Category Archives: Announcements

Troop 508’s Coup Program

For new parents (and a refresher for everyone else) last year, Troop 508 started a  “Coup Program” (pronounced ‘coo’) that many troops across the country are using.


This is a great way for you (Scouts and uniformed leaders) to show off your participation in the troop.  Beads (coups) will be issued at the end of activities for those in attendance.


There will be an “event coup” (depending on the type of event) and a “weather coup” (depending, of course, on the weather) presented at the end of each event.


Event Weather
Troop : Brown Good : Blue
District : Yellow Rain : Black
Council : Light Blue Winter Precip : White
National : Light Green Over 100 : Orange
High Adventure : Dark Green Below 32 : Purple
Weeklong Camp : Red Below 0 : Clear
 Special : White Star

A couple notes:  These coups will be presented at the activity at the adult leadership’s discretion (when it comes to weather).  Coups will be presented for events the troop is taking part in.  Stars are at leader discretion.  This is intended to be fun, and a form of encouragement for both leaders and youth.

New Leadership Positions

Here is the new leadership for the troop:


position scout
SPL Robert J
ASPL Jaxon M
Dylan R
John W
Webmaster Luke B
Librarian Bryson C
Quartermaster Noah K
Tyson B
OA Rep Richard G
Chaplains Aid Nicholas B
Scribe Jamey S
Trainer Charlie J
Patrick J
Troop Guide John W
Patrol Leaders
Dragon Robbie W
Viper Noah K
Flaming Arrow Cameron R
Unnamed Richard G


Ryan Kelley’s Eagle Court of Honor


Ryan Kelley would like to invite you to attend his
Eagle Court of Honor on Sunday, May 25 at 6 p.m. at the National Scout Museum at 1329 W. Walnut Hill Lane. Please join us for a reception following the ceremony to celebrate this accomplishment. Please call Monica with any questions. Hope to see you there!