Troop 508 Newsletter 9/22/2021


This Week in Troop 508



Woodhaven is going to start doing renovations to the education building sometime in September and we will be sharing  Hancock Hall with Troop 510.




Elections are coming up. Let Mr. Murphy know if you want to run for SPL.



Trinity Trash Bash – 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Sept. 25 at T.W. Richardson Grove Park, 333 E. Hwy 635 (LBJ)

Contact: Mrs. Bolton 214-289-2582



Colby’s Eagle project work day is Sunday  9/26 at 1pm until we are done.

The address of the project is 315 W 3rd St, Irving, TX 75060 we will meet in the parking lot next to the building. There will be snacks



USS Lexington in Corpus trip – We are required to pay for the full amount at the time of registration because we are so close to the event date. The trip is planned to leave Irving Friday 10/8 and travel to a state park then on to the Lexington on Saturday 10/9 to spend the night on the ship then return home Sunday 10/10. The cost of the Lexington is $75/per person. There will be additional cost for a portion of state park fees and dinner Friday night. The total cost is still being determined but will be minimal in addition to the $75. Since we have to pay the $75 to the USS Lexington when we make the reservation we need an exact headcount and deposit paid by this Tuesday 9/21/21 at the Court of Honor. Mark Nichols will be taking payment.

Let me know if you have any questions, we apologize for the last minute nature of the information but gaging interest in events these days is difficult and we don’t want to pay for events if not enough scouts are attending.



Shooting Campout – at TRJ on November 19-21





Popcorn sells are starting fast and furious with a huge emphasis on online selling. Mrs. Peacock will be heading up popcorn this year and will have more information.







Upcoming Events

9/25            Trinity Trash Bash

9/26            Colby’s Eagle Project Work Day

9/28            Troop Meeting

10/8-10      Lexington Trip

11/19-21    TRJ Shooting Campout























Website:                                                    Facebook:  Troop 508 Irving