All posts by secretary

Troop 508 Newsletter 4/5/17

This Week in Troop 508



A Scout is Thrifty…  Camp Card time!  Pay your way to summer camp by selling camp cards.

Each card is $10, $5 goes directly into your scout account; sell 66 cards to pay for camp minus transportation; Pick-up cards at the next troop meeting

Booth Sale spots are available:

Fri 4/7 Tom Thumb at Northgate & MacArthur 6pm-8pm

Sat 4/8 Dick’s Sporting Goods 11am-12:50pm

Sat 4/15 Tom Thumb at Northgate & MacArthur 11am-1:50pm

Sat 4/15 Dick’s Sporting Goods 5pm-7pm and 7pm-9pm

To get cards or sign-up for a booth sale contact Mrs. Roman @

You are entered into a drawing for every 25 cards you sell (let Mrs. Roman or Mrs. Whitgrove know when you have sold 25 cards)

Contact Mrs. Roman @ Mrs. Whitgrove


Flag Ceremony – 4/6 the Scouts who have committed to participate should meet @ 6:00pm Irving Convention Center

Flag ceremony at the Circle Ten Council dinner

Contact:  Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503


New Patrol Campout – 4/8 @ Camp Wisdom; meet at Woodhaven 9:00am to carpool to Camp Wisdom. Eat breakfast before you arrive.

Experience camping as a patrol as well as work on Scout requirements and choose patrol name and leader

Need a few older scouts to attend to help.

Contact Mr. Roman for more information


Irving Lake Association Clean-up 4/22 8am-noon @ Lake Vilbig

Earn conservation service hours.  Let’s have 100% participation!


Summer Camp 2017 Camp Alexander Lake George, Colorado 7/9 – 7/15

(leaving Sat 8th returning Sun 16th)

Cost: Scout $330, Adult $265 + transportation to be determined

1st payment $110 due 1/30, 2nd payment $100 due 3/27, remaining amt due 5/2

Contact: Mr. Chapman 214-649-6529


Please bring a water bottle to meetings.  We should not be using the church’s cups.


Scoutmaster Mr. Bolton will be at Woodhaven from 6:30 to 7:00 before each meeting to sign books, have conferences, etc.   


Upcoming Events  

4/8                   New Patrol Campout @ Camp Wisdom

4/11                 Troop Meeting

4/18                 Troop Meeting

4/22                 Clean-up Lake Vilbig 8AM

4/23                 ILST Training for new leadership 2pm @ Running Bear Park
4/25                 Troop Meeting

4/28-30            Webeloree @ Camp Wisdom and OA Call Out

Merit Badge Opportunities

To sign-up for these classes, please visit their website to register. *Registration is required*


Perot Museum of Nature and Science:  Cost $27/scout

(April 22) – Environmental Science

(May 6) – Chemistry

(June 3,10, 25) – Engineering, Aviation, Robotics

(July 1, 15, 29) – Citizenship in the Community, Aviation, Digital Technology

(August 5) – Environmental Science)


 Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving

New Troop Leadership

SPL – Noah

ASPL – Carson M

ASPL – Isaac R

Jr Asst SM – Robert J

Troop Guide – Trevor N

Historian – CJ R

Instructor – Ben R

Scribe – Chris R

Librarian – Christian S

Bugler – Aiden B

Webmaster – Luke B

Quartermaster – Matthew C

Chaplain Aide – Pierce W

OA Rep – John W
Patrol Leaders / Assistant Patrol Leaders

Phoenix – Aiden B/ Matthew C

Dragon – Pierce W / Connor M

Viper – Luke B / Trevor N

Oh Dear – Riler H / Carson M

Troop 508 Newsletter 3/29/2017

This Week in Troop 508



Backpacking Overnighter – has been postponed.  Will be rescheduled at a later date

Contact:  Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503


A Scout is Thrifty…  Camp Card time!  Pay your way to summer camp by selling camp cards.

Each card is $10, $5 goes directly into your scout account; sell 66 cards to pay for camp minus transportation; Pick-up cards at the next troop meeting

Booth Sale spots are available:

Sat. 4/1 Tom Thumb at Beltline & Northgate 11am-1:50pm

Fri 4/7 Tom Thumb at Northgate & MacArthur 6pm-8pm

Sat 4/8 Dick’s Sporting Goods 11am-12:50pm

Sat 4/15 Tom Thumb at Northgate & MacArthur 11am-1:50pm

Sat 4/15 Dick’s Sporting Goods 5pm-7pm and 7pm-9pm

To get cards or sign-up for a booth sale contact Mrs. Roman @

You are entered into a drawing for every 25 cards you sell (let Mrs. Roman or Mrs. Whitgrove know when you have sold 25 cards)

Contact Mrs. Roman @ Mrs. Whitgrove


Flag Ceremony – 4/6 6:00pm @ Irving Convention Center

A few scouts are needed to perform the flag ceremony at the Circle Ten Council dinner

Contact:  Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503


New Patrol Campout – 4/8 @ Camp Wisdom; meet at Woodhaven that morning to carpool to Camp Wisdom.  Experience camping as a patrol as well as work on Scout requirements and choose patrol name and leader

Need a few older scouts to attend to help.

Contact Mr. Roman for more information


Irving Lake Association Clean-up 4/22 8am-noon @ Lake Vilbig

Earn conservation service hours.  Let’s have 100% participation!


Summer Camp 2017 Camp Alexander Lake George, Colorado 7/9 – 7/15

(leaving Sat 8th returning Sun 16th)

Cost: Scout $330, Adult $265 + transportation to be determined later

1st payment $110 due 1/30, 2nd payment $100 due 3/27, remaining amt due 5/2

Contact: Mr. Chapman 214-649-6529


Please bring a water bottle to meetings.  We should not be using the church’s cups.


Scoutmaster Mr. Bolton will be at Woodhaven from 6:30 to 7:00 before each meeting to sign books, have conferences, etc.





Upcoming Events  

4/4                   PLC / Troop Meeting

4/8                   New Patrol Campout @ Camp Wisdom

4/11                 Troop Meeting

4/18                 Troop Meeting

4/22                 Clean-up Lake Vilbig 8AM

4/23                 ILST Training for new leadership 1pm @ Running Bear Park
4/25                 Troop Meeting

4/28-30            Webeloree @ Camp Wisdom

Merit Badge Opportunities

To sign-up for these classes, please visit their website to register. *Registration is required*


National Scouting Museum: *This is the last opportunity to take a MB class at the National Scouting Museum so sign-up ASAP to register

(April) – Electronics, Mammal Study, Genealogy, Nuclear Science, Moviemaking

(May) – Coin Collecting


Perot Museum of Nature and Science:  Cost $27/scout

(April 1, 22) – Space Exploration, Environmental Science

(May 6) – Chemistry

(June 3,10, 25) – Engineering, Aviation, Robotics

(July 1, 15, 29) – Citizenship in the Community, Aviation, Digital Technology

(August 5) – Environmental Science)


Merit Badge University:  Cost $15/scout; bring $5 for your lunch

Alpha Phi Omega and Circle 10 Council host this MB college

April 1 at UT Dallas Campus 8:00am – 5:00pm; various MB classes

to register


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving

Troop 508 Newsletter 3/22/2017

This Week in Troop 508



Troop Elections – 3/28 Make your voice heard!  Attend the meeting and vote


Athletics MB Campout – @ Camp Wisdom; Cost $10

Meet at Woodhaven at 6pm, leaving at 7pm

Returning around 11am or noon on Sunday


A Scout is Thrifty…  Camp Card time!  Pay your way to summer camp by selling camp cards.

Each card is $10, $5 goes directly into your scout account; sell 66 cards to pay for camp minus transportation; Pick-up cards at the next troop meeting

Booth Sale spots are available:

Sat. 4/1 Tom Thumb at Beltline & Northgate 11am-1:50pm

Fri 4/7 Tom Thumb at Northgate & MacArthur 6pm-8pm

Sat 4/8 Dick’s Sporting Goods 11am-12:50pm

Sat 4/15 Tom Thumb at Northgate & MacArthur 11am-1:50pm

Sat 4/15 Dick’s Sporting Goods 5pm-7pm and 7pm-9pm

To get cards or sign-up for a booth sale contact Mrs. Roman @

You are entered into a drawing for every 25 cards you sell (let Mrs. Roman or Mrs. Whitgrove know when you have sold 25 cards)

Contact Mrs. Roman @ Mrs. Whitgrove


Backpacking Overnighter – Sat 4/1 6am to Sun 4/2 6pm @ Cross Timbers Trail

Contact:  Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503


Flag Ceremony – 4/6 6:00pm @ Irving Convention Center

A few scouts are needed to perform the flag ceremony at the Circle Ten Council dinner

Contact:  Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503


New Patrol Campout – 4/8 @ Camp Wisdom; meet at Woodhaven that morning to carpool to Camp Wisdom.  Need a few older scouts to attend to help.

Contact Mr. Roman for more information


Irving Lake Association Clean-up 4/22 8am-noon @ Lake Vilbig

Earn conservation service hours.  Let’s have 100% participation!


Summer Camp 2017 Camp Alexander Lake George, Colorado 7/9 – 7/15

(leaving Sat 8th returning Sun 16th)

Cost: Scout $330, Adult $265 + transportation to be determined later

1st payment $110 due 1/30, 2nd payment $100 due 3/27, remaining amt due 5/2

Contact: Mr. Chapman 214-649-6529


Please bring a water bottle to meetings.  We should not be using the church’s cups.


Scoutmaster Mr. Bolton will be at Woodhaven from 6:30 to 7:00 before each meeting to sign books, have conferences, etc.



Upcoming Events  

3/24-26            Athletics MB Campout @ Camp Wisdom

3/26                 Committee Meeting 7pm @ Woodhaven.  All adults welcome!

3/28                 Troop Meeting / Troop Elections

4/1-2                Backpacking Overnighter

4/4                   PLC / Troop Meeting

4/8                   New Patrol Campout @ Camp Wisdom

4/11                 Troop Meeting

4/18                 Troop Meeting

4/22                 Clean-up Lake Vilbig 8AM
4/25                 Troop Meeting

Merit Badge Opportunities

To sign-up for these classes, please visit their website to register. *Registration is required*


National Scouting Museum: *This is the last opportunity to take a MB class at the National Scouting Museum so sign-up ASAP to register

(April) – Electronics, Mammal Study, Genealogy, Nuclear Science, Moviemaking

(May) – Coin Collecting


Perot Museum of Nature and Science:  Cost $27/scout

(April 1, 22) – Space Exploration, Environmental Science

(May 6) – Chemistry

(June 3,10, 25) – Engineering, Aviation, Robotics

(July 1, 15, 29) – Citizenship in the Community, Aviation, Digital Technology

(August 5) – Environmental Science)


Merit Badge University:  Cost $15/scout; bring $5 for your lunch

Alpha Phi Omega and Circle 10 Council host this MB college

April 1 at UT Dallas Campus 8:00am – 5:00pm; various MB classes

to register


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving

Troop 508 Newsletter 3/8/2017

This Week in Troop 508



Board Game Night – Next Troop Meeting, 3/14

Bring your favorite board game!


Troop Elections – 3/28  If you want to run for SPL see Mr. Bolton, or email him


A Scout is Thrifty…  Camp Card time!  Pay your way to summer camp by selling camp cards.

Each card is $10, $5 goes directly into your scout account; sell 66 cards to pay for camp minus transportation; Pick-up cards at the next troop meeting

Booth Sale spots are available:

Tom Thumb Sat. 4/1 & Sun 4/2 11:00am-1:50pm

To get cards or sign-up for a booth sale contact Mrs. Roman @

You are entered into a drawing for every 25 cards you sell (let Mrs. Roman or Mrs. Whitgrove know when you have sold 25 cards)

Contact Mrs. Roman @ Mrs. Whitgrove


Robert’s Eagle Ceremony – 3/10 6:30pm @ National Scouting Museum

The troop is invited to be a part of Robert receiving his Eagle Scout Rank

Please wear field (class A) uniform


Irving Lake Association Clean-up 4/22 8am-noon @ Lake Vilbig

Earn conservation service hours.  Let’s have 100% participation!


Summer Camp 2017 Camp Alexander Lake George, Colorado 7/9 – 7/15

Cost: Scout $330, Adult $265 + transportation to be determined later

1st payment $110 due 1/30, 2nd payment $100 due 3/27, remaining amt due 5/2

Contact: Mr. Chapman 214-649-6529


Please bring a water bottle to meetings.  We should not be using the church’s cups.


Scoutmaster Mr. Bolton will be at Woodhaven from 6:30 to 7:00 before each meeting to sign books, have conferences, etc.




Upcoming Events

3/10                 Robert J Eagle Ceremony – National Scouting Museum 6:30pm; field (class A) uniform

3/14                 Troop Meeting / Board Game Night

3/21                 Troop Meeting



Upcoming Events Cont

3/24-26            Athletics MB Campout @ Camp Wisdom

3/28                 Troop Meeting / Troop Elections

4/22                 Clean-up Lake Vilbig 8AM


Merit Badge Opportunities

To sign-up for these classes, please visit their website to register. *Registration is required*


National Scouting Museum: *This is the last opportunity to take a MB class at the National Scouting Museum so sign-up ASAP to register

(March) – Astronomy, Indian Lore, Sustainability, Environmental Science, Reading, Digital Technology, Oceanography

(April) – Electronics, Mammal Study, Genealogy, Nuclear Science, Moviemaking

(May) – Coin Collecting


The Texas Fly Fishing and Brew Festival in Plano:

(March 11 and 12) – Fly Fishing

To register email


Perot Museum of Nature and Science:  Cost $27/scout

(April 1, 22) – Space Exploration, Environmental Science

(May 6) – Chemistry

(June 3,10, 25) – Engineering, Aviation, Robotics

(July 1, 15, 29) – Citizenship in the Community, Aviation, Digital Technology

(August 5) – Environmental Science)


Merit Badge University:  Cost $15/scout; bring $5 for your lunch

Alpha Phi Omega and Circle 10 Council host this MB college

April 1 at UT Dallas Campus 8:00am – 5:00pm; various MB classes

to register


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving

Troop 508 Newsletter 3/1/2017

This Week in Troop 508



A Scout is Thrifty…  Camp Card time!  Pay your way to summer camp by selling camp cards.

Each card is $10, $5 goes directly into your scout account; sell 66 cards to pay for camp minus transportation; Pick-up cards at the next troop meeting

Booth Sale spots are available:

Dick’s Sporting Goods this Sat. 3/4 5:00-7:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm

Tom Thumb Sat. 4/1 & Sun 4/2 11:00am-1:50pm

To get cards or sign-up for a booth sale contact Mrs. Roman @

You are entered into a drawing for every 25 cards you sell (let Mrs. Roman or Mrs. Whitgrove know when you have sold 25 cards)

Contact Mrs. Roman @ Mrs. Whitgrove


Service opportunity – Sowers Cemetery Cleanup 3/4 8:00am-4:00pm

For more info call 972-322-9998


Troop Court of Honor – 3/7 troop meeting @ 7pm.  Our twice a year event to formally recognize Scouts’ achievements.  Scouts’ family members are invited to share in this event.  Scouts should be in full uniform including merit badge sash, etc…


Robert’s Eagle Ceremony – 3/10 6:30pm @ National Scouting Museum

The troop is invited to be a part of Robert receiving his Eagle Scout Rank

Please wear field (class A) uniform


Irving Lake Association Clean-up 4/22 8am-noon @ Lake Vilbig

Earn conservation service hours.  Let’s have 100% participation!


Summer Camp 2017 Camp Alexander Lake George, Colorado 7/9 – 7/15

Cost: Scout $330, Adult $265 + transportation to be determined later

1st payment $110 due 1/30, 2nd payment $100 due 3/27, remaining amt due 5/2

Contact: Mr. Chapman 214-649-6529


Please bring a water bottle to meetings.  We should not be using the church’s cups.


Scoutmaster Mr. Bolton will be at Woodhaven from 6:30 to 7:00 before each meeting to sign books, have conferences, etc.


Upcoming Events

3/7                   PLC / Court of Honor – Wear Field (class A) Uniform Plus (mb sash, neckerchief, etc.)

3/10                 Robert J Eagle Ceremony – National Scouting Museum 6:30pm; field (class A) uniform

3/11                 Webelos Crossover – 5:30-8:30pm Valley Ranch Baptist Church Coppell

3/14                 Troop Meeting

3/21                 Troop Meeting


Upcoming Events Cont

3/24-26            Athletics MB Campout @ Camp Wisdom

3/28                 Troop Meeting

4/22                 Clean-up Lake Vilbig 8AM


Merit Badge Opportunities

To sign-up for these classes, please visit their website to register. *Registration is required*


National Scouting Museum: *This is the last opportunity to take a MB class at the National Scouting Museum so sign-up ASAP to register

(March) – Astronomy, Indian Lore, Sustainability, Environmental Science, Reading, Digital Technology, Oceanography

(April) – Electronics, Mammal Study, Genealogy, Nuclear Science, Moviemaking

(May) – Coin Collecting


The Texas Fly Fishing and Brew Festival in Plano:

(March 11 and 12) – Fly Fishing

To register email


Perot Museum of Nature and Science:  Cost $27/scout

(March 4) – Citizenship in the Community

(April 1, 22) – Space Exploration, Environmental Science

(May 6) – Chemistry

(June 3,10, 25) – Engineering, Aviation, Robotics

(July 1, 15, 29) – Citizenship in the Community, Aviation, Digital Technology

(August 5) – Environmental Science)


Merit Badge University:  Cost $15/scout; bring $5 for your lunch

Alpha Phi Omega and Circle 10 Council host this MB college

April 1 at UT Dallas Campus 8:00am – 5:00pm; various MB classes

to register


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving