All posts by secretary

Troop 508 Newsletter 1/10/2018

This Week in Troop 508



Dues are now $10 per month.

This is in concurrence with National increasing the membership fee for scouts.


Horseback Riding Campout 1/19-21 Total cost for those attending who are horseback riding is $45 ($25 to horseback ride plus $20 for the campout).

Meet at Woodhaven Friday 6:00pm to depart by 7:00pm

Arrive back at Woodhaven Sunday about noon

Contact:  Mr. Chapman


Webelos Show-N-Do 1/27 @ Camp Wisdom, this is a recruiting event

Saturday 9:00am to Sunday noon

Scouts can come out for Saturday only or camp Saturday night.

Cost is $5 per person for those camping to cover the cost of food.


OA elections are in February


Scouting for Food is in February!  More details to come…


A Scout is Courteous…  The troop has been doing a great job with this so keep up the good work!  The church is appreciative!  Please bring a water bottle to meetings.  Woodhaven has asked us not to use their cups.  We need to be respectful of the church as a whole, this includes the kitchen area and the ice maker.



Upcoming Events  

1/16                 Troop Meeting

1/19-21            Horseback Campout Trevor-Rees Jones

1/23                 Troop Meeting

1/27                 Webelos Show-N-Do @ Camp Wisdom

1/28                 Committee Meeting @ Woodhaven 7pm

1/30                 Troop Meeting 


Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration is required* for these workshops.  Most require pre-work


Duck Creek District’s Merit Badge Mania: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Garland

(Janurary 27) for more info and to register ,registration closes 1/14


Five Trails Spring MB College: Plymouth Park United Methodist Church, Irving

(March 3)



Merit Badge Opportunities Cont.



Circle Ten MB Mania: Camp Wisdom

(March 14)


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving


Advancement Report

Ethan B. – Environmental Science MB

Brian N. – Environmental Science MB

Colton N. – Environmental Science MB

Troop 508 Newsletter 1/3/2018

This Week in Troop 508



Dues are now $10 per month.

This is in concurrence with National increasing the membership fee for scouts.


Horseback Riding Campout 1/19-21 Total cost for those attending who are horseback riding is $45 ($25 to horseback ride plus $20 for the campout).

Contact:  Mr. Chapman


OA elections are in February


A Scout is Courteous…  The troop has been doing a great job with this so keep up the good work!  The church is appreciative!  Please bring a water bottle to meetings.  Woodhaven has asked us not to use their cups.  We need to be respectful of the church as a whole, this includes the kitchen area and the ice maker.



Upcoming Events  

1/7                   Committee Meeting @ Woodhaven in the Education bldg. 7pm

1/9                   Troop Meeting

1/16                 Troop Meeting

1/19-21            Horseback Campout Trevor-Rees Jones

1/23                 Troop Meeting

1/30                 Troop Meeting



Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration is required* for these workshops.  Most require pre-work



Five Trails Spring MB College: Plymouth Park United Methodist Church, Irving

(March 3)



Circle Ten MB Mania: Camp Wisdom

(March 14)


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving

Troop 508 Newsletter 12/20/17

This Week in Troop 508



Beginning Jan 1, dues are changing to $10 per month.

This is in concurrence with National increasing the membership fee for scouts.


Winter Camp 12/27-31 Cost $90 @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp

Departure – Meet at Woodhaven Wednesday 27th @ 8am.  Be ready to load at 8am.

Bring your own tent, warm clothing, and rain gear.  Bring money for any additional activity fees and for trading post.

Arrive Home – Back at Woodhaven by noon Sunday 31st


Horseback Riding Campout 1/19-21 Total cost for those attending who are horseback riding is $45 ($25 to horseback ride plus $20 for the campout).  Sign up at the next troop meeting

Contact:  Mr. Chapman


OA elections are in February


A Scout is Courteous…  The troop has been doing a great job with this so keep up the good work!  The church is appreciative!  Please bring a water bottle to meetings.  Woodhaven has asked us not to use their cups.  We need to be respectful of the church as a whole, this includes the kitchen area and the ice maker.



Upcoming Events  

12/25               Merry Christmas!

12/27-31          Winter Camp @ Trevor-Rees Jones (No troop meeting this week)

1/1                   Happy New Year!

1/2                   PLC / Troop Meeting

1/7                   Committee Meeting @ location TBD 7pm

1/9                   Troop Meeting

1/19-21            Horseback Campout Trevor-Rees Jones   





Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration is required* for these workshops.  Most require pre-work

Five Trails Spring MB College: Plymouth Park United Methodist Church, Irving

(March 3)


Circle Ten MB Mania: Camp Wisdom

(March 14)



Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving



Awards / Advancements

Christmas Campout Dutch Oven Cooking Contest Results


Youth: 1st Place – Aiden C, 2nd Place – John W, 3rd Place – Colby C


Adult: 1st Place – Mrs. Roman, 2nd Place – Mr. Whitgrove, 3rd Place – Mr. Jeeter

Troop 508 Newsletter 12/13/2017

This Week in Troop 508



Beginning Jan 1, dues are changing to $10 per month.

This is in concurrence with National increasing the membership fee for scouts.


Christmas Family Campout –  12/16-17 @ Camp Wisdom; this is family camping!

All family members are invited!

Each family should bring a side dish to share for dinner Saturday evening, the troop will be cooking a turkey.  All other meals each family prepares for themselves.

We will be having our 2nd annual Dutch Oven Cooking Contest with an adult category and a youth category.

Everyone should bring a wrapped $10 gift for the fun gift exchange.

Contact: Mr. Fletcher


Winter Camp 12/27-31 Cost $90 @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp

Bring your gear to the next troop meeting for a shakedown


Horseback Riding Campout 1/19-21 Total cost for those attending who are horseback riding is $45 ($25 to horseback ride plus $20 for the campout).  Sign up at the next troop meeting

Contact:  Mr. Chapman


OA elections are in February


A Scout is Courteous…  The troop has been doing a great job with this so keep up the good work!  The church is appreciative!  Please bring a water bottle to meetings.  Woodhaven has asked us not to use their cups.  We need to be respectful of the church as a whole, this includes the kitchen area and the ice maker.





Upcoming Events  

12/16-17          Christmas Family Campout @ Camp Wisdom

12/19               Troop Meeting – Winter Camp Shakedown

12/25               Merry Christmas!

12/27-31          Winter Camp @ Trevor-Rees Jones (No troop meeting this week)

1/1                   Happy New Year!

1/2                   PLC / Troop Meeting

1/7                   Committee Meeting @ Woodhaven 7pm

1/9                   Troop Meeting

1/19-21            Horseback Campout Trevor-Rees Jones   



Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration is required* for these workshops.  Most require pre-work


Circle Ten Council’s Winter Camp: Trevor Rees-Jones Scout Camp

(December 27 – 31)




Five Trails Spring MB College: Plymouth Park United Methodist Church, Irving

(March 3)




Circle Ten MB Mania: Camp Wisdom

(March 14)




Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving

Troop 508 Newsletter 12/6/17

This Week in Troop 508



Beginning Jan 1, dues are changing to $10 per month.

This is in concurrence with National increasing the membership fee for scouts.


Christmas Family Campout –  12/16-17 @ Camp Wisdom; this is family camping!

All family members are invited!

Each family should bring a side dish to share for dinner Saturday evening, the troop will be cooking a turkey.  All other meals each family prepares for themselves.

We will be having our 2nd annual Dutch Oven Cooking Contest with an adult category and a youth category.

Everyone should bring a wrapped $10 gift for the fun gift exchange.

Contact: Mr. Fletcher


Winter Camp 12/27-31 Cost $90 @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp

It is not too late to sign-up but you must let Mr. Chapman know by Friday evening.


Horseback Riding Campout 1/19-21 Total cost for those attending who are horseback riding is $45 ($25 to horseback ride plus $20 for the campout).  Sign up at the next troop meeting

Contact:  Mr. Chapman


A Scout is Courteous…  The troop has been doing a great job with this so keep up the good work!  The church is appreciative!  Please bring a water bottle to meetings.  Woodhaven has asked us not to use their cups.  We need to be respectful of the church as a whole, this includes the kitchen area and the ice maker.



Upcoming Events  

12/16-17          Christmas Family Campout @ Camp Wisdom

12/19               Troop Meeting

12/25               Merry Christmas!

12/27-31          Winter Camp @ Trevor-Rees Jones (No troop meeting this week)

1/1                   Happy New Year!

1/2                   PLC / Troop Meeting

1/9                   Troop Meeting

1/19-21            Horseback Campout Trevor-Rees Jones   



*Registration is required* for these workshops.  Most require pre-work


Circle Ten Council’s Winter Camp: Trevor Rees-Jones Scout Camp

(December 27 – 31)


Merit Badge Opportunities Cont.


Five Trails Spring MB College: Plymouth Park United Methodist Church, Irving

(February or March 2018)


Circle Ten MB Mania: Camp Wisdom

(March 14)


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving
















Website:                                                    Facebook:  Troop 508 Irving