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Troop 508 Newsletter 9/19/2018

This Week in Troop 508



Popcorn Time! – Sell popcorn to pay for campouts, summer camp, winter camp, etc.!

Scouts receive 32% of his sales into his Scout account.

Everyone is encouraged to set up an online account at You can attach it to all your social media and send out emails to friends and relatives. Great for anyone who wants to pay with a credit card. There are prizes just for online sales & all totals go towards all prizes.

Important dates:

10/30 – Order forms and prize choices are due to Kathy

12/1 – Popcorn Pick Up

12/11 – All money due

Contact: Kathy Whitgrove 214-632-0662



Troop Court of Honor is 9/25.  Bi-annual formal event where family and friends are encouraged to attend and support the scouts. Scouts should be in full uniform (mb sash, neckerchief)


Trinity Trash Bash – 9/29 9am to noon @ T.W. Richardson Grove Park located at the NE corner of the intersection of Hwy 161 and I-635.

Please bring: your signed release form, a canned food to donate, a reusable water bottle, long pants are recommended and closed-toed shoes, and rain gear.

Lunch will be provided!  Earn conservation service hours!

Contact: Mrs. Bolton 469-844-5425


Alaska Trip – For those planning on going to Alaska next summer, a $100/person deposit is due by the end of September.  Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503


Adult Training Update – The new Youth Protection Training must be completed online by Oct 1 Hazardous Weather training is now also required.  Login to to take your training.


Life to Eagle Presentation – 10/2 troop meeting. A guest speaker will present information on the path from Life to Eagle. This is helpful to all scouts and parents regardless of current rank.  Parents are encouraged to stay for the presentation.




Upcoming Events  

9/25                 Court of Honor.

9/29                 Trinity Trash Bash 9am-noon; Alaska Prep Cub Hike @ LLELA

9/30                 Troop Committee Meeting 7:00pm @ Woodhaven

10/2                 PLC / Troop Meeting / Life to Eagle Presentation

10/6-8              Beach Campout @ Sea Rim State Park

10/9                 Troop Meeting

10/13               Alaska Prep Cub Hike @ Cedar Ridge Preserve

10/16               Troop Meeting



Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card


Bass Pro Shops & Cabela’s: Class size is limited. Contact your local store to reserve a space.

All classes begin at 6pm

(Sept. 25) Fishing, (Sept. 26) Rifle Shooting, (Sept. 27) Fish & Wildlife Management




Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $5 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 10 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, MB worksheet, Blue card


Medieval Times:  $31.95 per person for exclusive scout show and MB workshop; to register

(Sept. 22) Animal Science


Jamboree on the Air :  Explore the science of amateur radio; 10am-5pm @Connor Pavilion in Lewisville Lake Park; contact Mike Reitz 214-535-1368 w5evt@sbcglobalnet for questions

(Oct. 20) Radio


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving




Advancement Report

Luke B. – Eagle Scout Rank

Troop 508 Newsletter 9/12/2018

This Week in Troop 508



Popcorn Time! – Sell popcorn to pay for campouts, summer camp, winter camp, etc.!

Scouts receive 32% of his sales into his Scout account.

Everyone is encouraged to set up an online account at You can attach it to all your social media and send out emails to friends and relatives. Great for anyone who wants to pay with a credit card. There are prizes just for online sales & all totals go towards all prizes.

Important dates:

10/30 – Order forms and prize choices are due to Kathy

12/1 – Popcorn Pick Up

12/11 – All money due

Contact: Kathy Whitgrove 214-632-0662



Canoe Campout 9/14-16 @ Broken Bow OK, Wild Goose Canoe & Kayak .Cost: $50/person

Friday arrive at Woodhaven at 6:00pm so we can depart by 7:00pm

Sunday arrive back at Woodhaven around 1:00pm

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503



Troop Elections are 9/18 – Scouts will elect a Senior Patrol Leader and the Patrol Leaders.

For Scouts who are interested in a position of responsibility, there will be cards to put your name on and anything you would like to say about why you want that position.  This is a great opportunity to take a leadership role in the troop!



Troop Court of Honor is 9/25.  Bi-annual formal event where family and friends are encouraged to attend and support the scouts. Scouts should be in full uniform (mb sash, neckerchief)


Pictures needed!  We need pictures for the Court of Honor slideshow. Pictures can be from any troop activities from the last 6 months (since the last COH).

Send pictures to


Alaska Trip – For those planning on going to Alaska next summer, a $100/person deposit is due by the end of September.  Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503


Adult Training Update – The new Youth Protection Training must be completed online by Oct 1 Hazardous Weather training is now also required.  Login to to take your training.



Upcoming Events  

9/14-16            Canoe Campout @ Wild Goose Canoe & Kayak Broken Bow OK

9/18                 Troop Meeting / Elections

9/25                 Court of Honor.

9/29                 Trinity Trash Bash 9am-noon; Alaska Prep Cub Hike LLELA

10/2                 PLC / Troop Meeting


Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card

Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $5 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 10 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, MB worksheet, Blue card


Medieval Times:  $31.95 per person for exclusive scout show and MB workshop; to register

(Sept. 22) Animal Science


Jamboree on the Air :  Explore the science of amateur radio; 10am-5pm @Connor Pavilion in Lewisville Lake Park; contact Mike Reitz 214-535-1368 w5evt@sbcglobalnet for questions

(Oct. 20) Radio


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving

Troop 508 Newsletter 9/5/2018

This Week in Troop 508



Popcorn Time! – Sell popcorn to pay for campouts, summer camp, winter camp, etc.!

Scouts receive 32% of his sales into his Scout account.

Everyone is encouraged to set up an online account at You can attach it to all your social media and send out emails to friends and relatives. Great for anyone who wants to pay with a credit card. There are prizes just for online sales & all totals go towards all prizes.

Important dates:

10/30 – Order forms and prize choices are due to Kathy

12/1 – Popcorn Pick Up

12/11 – All money due

Contact: Kathy Whitgrove 214-632-0662


OA Fall Fellowship 2018 –  You can still register! $45 walk-up price

Scout Wars Return of the Arrowman;  TRJ Scout Camp Sept.7-9.

Pool, Lodgeball, Capture the Death Star Plans, Assault on the Death Star, Waterfront, Lightsaber Duels, Shooting Sports, Movie Marathon, Cantina Action, Speeder Building, Costume Contest, Limited Edition Patch, and more!

More info and to register


Canoe Campout 9/14-16 @ Broken Bow OK, Wild Goose Canoe & Kayak .Cost: $50/person

Depart Woodhaven at 7:00pm Friday

Arrive back at Woodhaven at 1:00pm Sunday

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503


Troop Elections are 9/18 – Scouts will elect a Senior Patrol Leader and the Patrol Leaders.

For Scouts who are interested in a position of responsibility, there will be cards to put your name on and anything you would like to say about why you want that position.  This is a great opportunity to take a leadership role in the troop!


Troop Court of Honor is 9/25.  Bi-annual formal event where family and friends are encouraged to attend and support the scouts. Scouts should be in full uniform (mb sash, neckerchief)

Advancements must be turned in by the 9/11 meeting for them to be recognized at this COH.


Pictures needed!  We need pictures for the Court of Honor slideshow. Pictures can be from any troop activities from the last 6 months (since the last COH).

Send pictures to


Alaska Trip – For those planning on going to Alaska next summer, a $100/person deposit is due by the end of September.  Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503


Adult Training Update – The new Youth Protection Training must be completed online by Oct 1 Hazardous Weather training is now also required.  Login to to take your training.

Upcoming Events  

9/4                   PLC / Troop Meeting

9/11                 Troop Meeting

9/14-16            Canoe Campout @ Wild Goose Canoe & Kayak Broken Bow OK

9/18                 Troop Meeting / Elections

9/25                 Court of Honor.

9/29                 Trinity Trash Bash 9am-noon; Alaska Prep Cub Hike LLELA

10/2                 PLC / Troop Meeting




Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card

Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $5 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 10 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, MB worksheet, Blue card


Medieval Times:  $31.95 per person for exclusive scout show and MB workshop; to register

(Sept. 22) Animal Science


Jamboree on the Air :  Explore the science of amateur radio; 10am-5pm @Connor Pavilion in Lewisville Lake Park; contact Mike Reitz 214-535-1368 w5evt@sbcglobalnet for questions

(Oct. 20) Radio


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving

Troop 508 Newsletter 8/29/18

This Week in Troop 508



Popcorn Time! – Sell popcorn to pay for campouts, summer camp, winter camp, etc.!

Scouts receive 32% of his sales into his Scout account.

Everyone is encouraged to set up an online account at You can attach it to all your social media and send out emails to friends and relatives. Great for anyone who wants to pay with a credit card. There are prizes just for online sales & all totals go towards all prizes.

Important dates:

10/30 – Order forms and prize choices are due to Kathy

12/1 – Popcorn Pick Up

12/11 – All money due

Contact: Kathy Whitgrove 214-632-0662



A Scout is Reverent…

Religious Emblems Programs: Bring your bible and workbook to meetings.

Contact: Mr. Fletcher 



OA Fall Fellowship 2018 –  Scout Wars Return of the Arrowman

TRJ Scout Camp Sept.7-9. Cost: $35

Pool, Lodgeball, Capture the Death Star Plans, Assault on the Death Star, Waterfront, Lightsaber Duels, Shooting Sports, Movie Marathon, Cantina Action, Speeder Building, Costume Contest, Limited Edition Patch, and more!

Register at



Canoe Campout 9/14-16 @ Broken Bow OK, Wild Goose Canoe & Kayak .Cost: $50/person

Depart Woodhaven at 7:00pm Friday

Arrive back at Woodhaven at 1:00pm Sunday

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503



Troop Elections are 9/18 – Scouts will elect a Senior Patrol Leader and the Patrol Leaders.

For Scouts who are interested in a position of responsibility, there will be cards to put your name on and anything you would like to say about why you want that position.  This is a great opportunity to take a leadership role in the troop!



Troop Court of Honor is 9/25.  Bi-annual formal event where family and friends are encouraged to attend and support the scouts. Scouts be in full uniform (mb sash, neckerchief)

Advancements must be turned in by the 9/11 meeting for them to be recognized at this COH.



Adult Training Update – The new Youth Protection Training must be completed online by Oct 1 Hazardous Weather training is now also required.  Login to to take your training.



Upcoming Events  

9/4                   PLC / Troop Meeting

9/11                 Troop Meeting

9/14-16            Canoe Campout @ Wild Goose Canoe & Kayak Broken Bow OK

9/18                 Troop Meeting / Elections

9/25                 Court of Honor.

9/29                 Trinity Trash Bash 9am-noon; Alaska Prep Cub Hike LLELA

10/2                 PLC / Troop Meeting




Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card

Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $5 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 10 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, MB worksheet, Blue card


Medieval Times:  $31.95 per person for exclusive scout show and MB workshop; to register

(Sept. 22) Animal Science


Jamboree on the Air :  Explore the science of amateur radio; 10am-5pm @Connor Pavilion in Lewisville Lake Park; contact Mike Reitz 214-535-1368 w5evt@sbcglobalnet for questions

(Oct. 20) Radio


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving


Troop 508 Newsletter 8/22/2018

This Week in Troop 508



Popcorn Time! – Scouts can fundraise to pay for campouts, summer camp, winter camp, etc. by selling popcorn!

Scouts receive 32% of his sales into his Scout account.

Everyone is encouraged to set up an online account at You can attach it to all your social media and send out emails to friends and relatives. This is great for anyone who wants to pay with a credit card. There are prizes just for online sales and all totals go towards all prizes.

Important dates:

8/21 – Popcorn Kick Off

10/30 – Order forms and prize choices are due to Kathy

12/1 – Popcorn Pick Up

12/11 – All money due

Contact: Kathy Whitgrove 214-632-0662



A Scout is Reverent…

Religious Emblems Programs: Bring your bible and workbook to meetings.

The God and Church class will attend a field trip to Potters House August 26th for Sunday service. We will meet in uniform no later than 8:45AM. This will allow us to observe a new denomination. 6777 W. Kiest Blvd. Dallas TX 75236

Contact: Mr. Fletcher 



OA Fall Fellowship 2018 –  Scout Wars Return of the Arrowman

TRJ Scout Camp Sept.7-9. Cost: $35

Pool, Lodgeball, Capture the Death Star Plans, Assault on the Death Star, Waterfront, Lightsaber Duels, Shooting Sports, Movie Marathon, Cantina Action, Speeder Building, Costume Contest, Limited Edition Patch, and more!

Register at



Adult Training Update – The new Youth Protection Training must be completed online by Oct 1 Hazardous Weather training is now also required.  Login to to take your training.



Upcoming Events  

8/26                 Troop Committee Meeting 7:00pm @ Woodhaven

8/28                 Troop Meeting

9/4                   PLC / Troop Meeting

9/11                 Troop Meeting

9/14-16            Canoe Campout @ Worth Ranch/Brazos River

9/18                 Troop Meeting

9/25                 Court of Honor


Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card

Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $5 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 10 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, MB worksheet, Blue card


Medieval Times:  $31.95 per person for exclusive scout show and MB workshop; to register

(Sept. 22) Animal Science


Jamboree on the Air :  Explore the science of amateur radio; 10am-5pm @Connor Pavilion in Lewisville Lake Park; contact Mike Reitz 214-535-1368 w5evt@sbcglobalnet for questions

(Oct. 20) Radio


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving



Advancement Report

Mathew C. – Star Rank

Micah N. – Emergency Preparedness MB

Christopher R. – Cooking MB

Ian G. – Completed his Order of the Arrow Ordeal

Adam N. – Completed his Order of the Arrow Ordeal