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Troop 508 Newsletter 10/31/2018

This Week in Troop 508



Popcorn Time! – Order forms are due to Kathy by Friday afternoon.

Important dates:

12/1 – Popcorn Pick Up

12/11 – All money due

Email any outstanding forms to Kathy Whitgrove 214-632-0662



Cub Scout Funday this Saturday – @ Camp Wisdom 9:00am to 1:00pm

We need scouts to come out and help run the troop game.  Great recruiting opportunity!

Contact: Mr. Chapman 214-649-6529


CTX (Circle Ten Xperience) 11/9-11 @ Texas Motor Speedway

Activities include:  5K Fun Run, Obstacle Course, Cardboard City, Crafts, Pioneering Exhibition, Monkey Bridges, Catapults, STEM activities, Video game trucks, Fast Robe Helios, Motocross, Human Foosball

There will also be lots of vendors and an Arena Show and a fireworks show Saturday night

Sign-up at the next troop meeting

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503


Racers Reunion Banquet Flag Ceremony – 11/10 A few scouts are needed to perform a flag ceremony; 1551 Corporate Dr. Suite 125 Irving 75038

Contact Mr Whitgrove for more information:


Christmas Family Campout 12/8-9 @ Camp Wisdom

Bring the whole family!  Camp Saturday night or just come for the day!

Dinner and games Saturday

Dutch oven cooking contest for both youth and adults!

Bring a side dish/dessert to share; Fun gift exchange: everyone who wants to participate bring a gift valued at approx. $10



Winter Camp 12/27-31 @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp; Cost:$100

Email your merit badge choices (top 3 plus 2 alternate) to Mrs. Cleveland

The list of merit badges offered can be found on pages 4-6 of the Winter Camp Program Addendum




Adult Training Update – All adults planning on going on any troop campouts need to have this training.  The new Youth Protection Training must be completed online by Oct 1 Hazardous Weather training is now also required.  Login to to take your training.






Upcoming Events  

11/3                 Cub Scout Fun Day @ Camp Wisdom 9:00am-1:00pm

11/3                 Luke’s Eagle COH 6:00pm @ Woodhaven

11/9-11            CTX @ Texas Motor Speedway

11/10               Racers Reunion Banquet Flag Ceremony

11/17               Dutch Oven Cooking Recruiting event @ Woodhaven 1-6pm

12/8-9              Christmas Family Campout @ Camp Wisdom

12/27-31          Winter Camp @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp







Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card


Circle Ten Council Merit Badge University:  Dec.1 @ Camp Wisdom *Registration Open Now*

See Flyer for merit badges offered & for more information; registration required on CampMaster


Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving

Troop 508 Newsletter 10/24/2018

This Week in Troop 508



Popcorn Time! – Order forms and prize choices are due at the next troop meeting 10/30

Scouts receive 32% of his sales into his Scout account.

Everyone is encouraged to set up an online account at You can attach it to all your social media and send out emails to friends and relatives. Great for anyone who wants to pay with a credit card. There are prizes just for online sales & all totals go towards all prizes.

Important dates:

10/30 – Order forms and prize choices are due to Kathy

12/1 – Popcorn Pick Up

12/11 – All money due

Contact: Kathy Whitgrove 214-632-0662


CTX (Circle Ten Xperience) 11/9-11 @ Texas Motor Speedway

Activities include:  5K Fun Run, Obstacle Course, Cardboard City, Crafts, Pioneering Exhibition, Monkey Bridges, Catapults, STEM activities, Video game trucks, Fast Robe Helios, Motocross, Human Foosball

There will also be lots of vendors and an Arena Show and a fireworks show Saturday night

Sign-up at the next troop meeting

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503



Christmas Family Campout 12/8-9 @ Camp Wisdom

Bring the whole family!  Camp Saturday night or just come for the day!

Dinner and games Saturday

Dutch oven cooking contest for both youth and adults!

Bring a side dish/dessert to share; Fun gift exchange: everyone who wants to participate bring a gift valued at approx. $10


Winter Camp 12/27-31 @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp

Bring your merit badge choices (top 3 plus 2 alternate) to the next troop meeting or email your choices to Mrs. Cleveland

The list of merit badges offered can be found on pages 4-6 of the Winter Camp Program Addendum


Adult Training Update – All adults planning on going on any troop campouts need to have this training.  The new Youth Protection Training must be completed online by Oct 1 Hazardous Weather training is now also required.  Login to to take your training.



Upcoming Events  

10/30               Troop Meeting / Popcorn order forms due / Movie Night “Ghostbusters”

11/3                 Luke’s Eagle COH 6:00pm @ Woodhaven

11/17               Dutch Oven Cooking Recruiting event @ Woodhaven 1-6pm

12/8-9              Christmas Family Campout @ Camp Wisdom

12/27-31          Winter Camp @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp







Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card


Circle Ten Council Merit Badge University:  Dec.1 @ Camp Wisdom *Registration Open Now*

See Flyer for merit badges offered & for more information; registration required on CampMaster


Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving




















Website:                                                    Facebook:  Troop 508 Irving

Troop 508 Newsletter 10/17/2018

This Week in Troop 508



Popcorn Time! – Sell popcorn to pay for campouts, summer camp, winter camp, etc.!

Scouts receive 32% of his sales into his Scout account.

Everyone is encouraged to set up an online account at You can attach it to all your social media and send out emails to friends and relatives. Great for anyone who wants to pay with a credit card. There are prizes just for online sales & all totals go towards all prizes.

Important dates:

10/30 – Order forms and prize choices are due to Kathy

12/1 – Popcorn Pick Up

12/11 – All money due

Contact: Kathy Whitgrove 214-632-0662


Backpacking Trip has been POSTPONED

Due to the recent heavy rains, the lake that runs along the trail is 15 ft above full, flooding parts of the trail.



CTX (Circle Ten Xperience) 11/9-11 @ Texas Motor Speedway

Activities include:  5K Fun Run, Obstacle Course, Cardboard City, Crafts, Pioneering Exhibition, Monkey Bridges, Catapults, STEM activities, Video game trucks, Fast Robe Helios, Motocross, Human Foosball

There will also be lots of vendors and an Arena Show and a fireworks show Saturday night

Sign-up at the next troop meeting

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503



Christmas Family Campout 12/8-9 @ Camp Wisdom

Bring the whole family!  Camp 1 or 2 nights or just come for the day!

Dinner and games Saturday

Dutch oven cooking contest for both youth and adults!

Bring a side dish/dessert to share; Fun gift exchange: everyone who wants to participate bring a gift valued at approx. $10


Winter Camp 12/26-31 @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp

Start thinking about the merit badges you want to take.  A list of the merit badges offered can be found on pages 4-6 of the Winter Camp Program Addendum

Sign-up at the next troop meeting



Adult Training Update – All adults planning on going on any troop campouts need to have this training.  The new Youth Protection Training must be completed online by Oct 1 Hazardous Weather training is now also required.  Login to to take your training.


Dick’s Sporting Goods Scout Appreciation Days: Saturday 10/20 thru Sunday 10/21 see Flyer for coupon and more details


Upcoming Events  

10/23               Troop Meeting

10/30               Troop Meeting – Movie Night

11/3                 Luke’s Eagle COH 6:00pm @ Woodhaven

12/8-9              Christmas Family Campout @ Camp Wisdom

12/26-31          Winter Camp @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp







Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card


Circle Ten Council Merit Badge University:  Dec.1 @ Camp Wisdom *Registration Open Now*

See Flyer for merit badges offered & for more information; registration required on CampMaster


Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)


Jamboree on the Air :  Explore the science of amateur radio; 10am-5pm @Connor Pavilion in Lewisville Lake Park; contact Mike Reitz 214-535-1368 w5evt@sbcglobalnet for questions

(Oct. 20) Radio


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving

Troop 508 Newsletter 10/10/2018

This Week in Troop 508



Popcorn Time! – Sell popcorn to pay for campouts, summer camp, winter camp, etc.!

Scouts receive 32% of his sales into his Scout account.

Everyone is encouraged to set up an online account at You can attach it to all your social media and send out emails to friends and relatives. Great for anyone who wants to pay with a credit card. There are prizes just for online sales & all totals go towards all prizes.

Important dates:

10/30 – Order forms and prize choices are due to Kathy

12/1 – Popcorn Pick Up

12/11 – All money due

Contact: Kathy Whitgrove 214-632-0662


Backpacking Trip 10/19-21 @ Cross Timbers Trail;

Cost $20(does not include trail food for each participant)

depart Woodhaven 6AM Sat, arrive back at Woodhaven 8PM Sun

This is a great opportunity to challenge yourself.

The troop has gear to lend, please contact Blaine or Bret if needed



CTX (Circle Ten Xperience) 11/9-11 @ Texas Motor Speedway

Activities include:  5K Fun Run, Obstacle Course, Cardboard City, Crafts, Pioneering Exhibition, Monkey Bridges, Catapults, STEM activities, Video game trucks, Fast Robe Helios, Motocross, Human Foosball

There will also be lots of vendors and an Arena Show and a fireworks show Saturday night

Sign-up at the next troop meeting

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503


Christmas Family Campout 12/8-9 @ Camp Wisdom

Bring the whole family!  Camp 1 or 2 nights or just come for the day!

Dinner and games Saturday

Dutch oven cooking contest for both youth and adults!

Bring a side dish/dessert to share; Fun gift exchange: everyone who wants to participate bring a gift valued at approx. $10


Winter Camp 12/26-31 @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp

Sign-up at the next troop meeting



Adult Training Update – All adults planning on going on any troop campouts need to have this training.  The new Youth Protection Training must be completed online by Oct 1 Hazardous Weather training is now also required.  Login to to take your training.


Dick’s Sporting Goods Scout Appreciation Days: Saturday 10/20 thru Sunday 10/21 see Flyer for coupon and more details



Upcoming Events  

10/13               Alaska Prep Cub Hike 10am @ Mike Lewis Park Grand Prairie(meet at the trailhead located at the corner of Roy Orr Blvd & Glacier Park Ln by a pavilion & playground)

10/16               Troop Meeting

10/19-21          Backpacking Trip @ Cross Timbers Trail

10/23               Troop Meeting

10/30               Troop Meeting

11/3                 Luke’s Eagle COH 6:00pm @ Woodhaven

12/26-31          Winter Camp @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp



Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card

Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)


Jamboree on the Air :  Explore the science of amateur radio; 10am-5pm @Connor Pavilion in Lewisville Lake Park; contact Mike Reitz 214-535-1368 w5evt@sbcglobalnet for questions

(Oct. 20) Radio


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving

Troop 508 Newsletter 10/3/2018

This Week in Troop 508



Popcorn Time! – Sell popcorn to pay for campouts, summer camp, winter camp, etc.!

Scouts receive 32% of his sales into his Scout account.

Everyone is encouraged to set up an online account at You can attach it to all your social media and send out emails to friends and relatives. Great for anyone who wants to pay with a credit card. There are prizes just for online sales & all totals go towards all prizes.

Important dates:

10/30 – Order forms and prize choices are due to Kathy

12/1 – Popcorn Pick Up

12/11 – All money due

Contact: Kathy Whitgrove 214-632-0662



Beach Campout – Sea Rim State Park 10/6-8 Cost $50

Bring your fishing gear, Frisbee, football, kite or anything of the sort that you might want to play with on the beach.

Meet at Woodhaven @ 6:00 AM Saturday so we may depart by 7:00AM.

*Please be on time* Eat breakfast before you arrive

We will depart from the beach around 10:00 AM Monday.

ETA back at Woodhaven is 6PM on Monday but because it is such a long drive, we may arrive  earlier or later.

We will have the scouts TXT you when we leave lunch at a rest stop for sandwiches on the way.

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503



Adult Training Update – All adults planning on going on any troop campouts need to have this training.  The new Youth Protection Training must be completed online by Oct 1 Hazardous Weather training is now also required.  Login to to take your training.





Upcoming Events  

10/6-8              Beach Campout @ Sea Rim State Park

10/9                 Troop Meeting

10/13               Alaska Prep Cub Hike @ Cedar Ridge Preserve

10/16               Troop Meeting

10/19-21          Backpacking Trip @ Cross Timbers Trail

10/23               Troop Meeting

10/30               Troop Meeting

11/3                 Luke’s Eagle COH Woodhaven @ 6pm





Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card



Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $5 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 10 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, MB worksheet, Blue card


Jamboree on the Air :  Explore the science of amateur radio; 10am-5pm @Connor Pavilion in Lewisville Lake Park; contact Mike Reitz 214-535-1368 w5evt@sbcglobalnet for questions

(Oct. 20) Radio


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving