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Troop 508 Newsletter 1/23/2019

This Week in Troop 508



Please try to make the next few events as they are important for our troop and keep our troop going!



Webelos Show’N’Do 1/26-27 @ Camp Wisdom; Cost $10 for food.  *Recruiting Event*

This is a recruiting event, and is *very* important to the future of the troop. We expect to have Webelos camping with us, to see how we camp, and cook as a patrol.

I encourage Scouts, and especially older Scouts and Scouts in Positions of Responsibility to come out for this camp. Remember when you were Webelos age and how great these events were in providing a glimpse of the fun awaiting in Boy Scouts? This is your chance to help someone else see that. I know putting on events for Webelos isn’t the most fun thing we do, but there is a sense of duty to help out the younger Scouts in our district.

Meet at Camp Wisdom Saturday morning 10:00am

Pick up at Camp Wisdom Sunday morning 10:00am

Contact Mr. Bolton


A Scout is Helpful…  Scouting for Food  *Service Opportunities*. A reminder that next Tuesday 1/29 we will meet at Woodhaven at 6PM to prepare bags and distribute to the neighborhood around the church during the regular scout meeting. If you can’t make it at 6 please come as early as you can. Boys can earn service hours for their participation. Food bag pick ups will be 9am Saturday 2/2. We will need parent drivers during both times. Tuesday night please bring a stapler and flashlight or headlamp to help with putting out the bags.

Contact Mrs. Cleveland with any questions:




A Scout is reverent… Scout Sunday is 2/17 at Woodhaven

Meet out front at 10am in full uniform

Scouts and their families are encouraged to attend.  Scouts will usher and greet guests.





Upcoming Events  

1/26-27            Webelos Show’N’Do @ Camp Wisdom

1/29                 Troop Meeting / Scouting for Food

2/2                   Scouting for Food Bag Pick-up 9am

2/5                   PLC / Troop Meeting / OA elections

2/12                 Troop Meeting

2/17                 Scout Sunday 10:00am @ Woodhaven







Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card




Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)



Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving



Texas Fins Feathers & Conservation: Merit Badge University & Trail to First Class Day

3/23 8:30am – 5:00pm @ Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center 5550 FM2495 Athens

Cost $20/scout, $5/adult scout leader (lunch and a patch included)

Register info at beginning in January.



2019 Conservation Day at Camp James Ray:  9:00am – 4:00pm; $20/scout lunch provided

Register on Circle Ten CampMaster

(May 18) Forestry, Weather, Soil & Water Conservation, Geology

Troop 508 Newsletter 1/16/2019

This Week in Troop 508



Mr. Bolton is asking for any unwanted Boy Scout and Cub Scout patches you have hanging around your house for an upcoming recruiting event.  Please bring them to Mr. Bolton at the next few troop meetings.  Thank you.


Alaska Prep(Cub hike) 10:00am @ Cedar Ridge Preserve – If it rains the night before, Cedar Ridge Preserve may close their trails, whereupon we will postpone the hike. Keep an eye out for an email Friday evening or Saturday morning for any updates.


Troop Planning Meeting this Saturday 1/19 2:00pm @ Woodhaven

The current and previous PLC and positions of responsibility should attend.

Bring ideas for campouts/activities.  The troop will provide pizza


Webelos Show’N’Do 1/26-27 @ Camp Wisdom; Cost $10 for food.  This is a recruiting event!

Meet at Camp Wisdom Saturday morning 10:00am

Pick up at Camp Wisdom Sunday morning 10:00am


Scouting for Food – A Scout is Helpful…  Great opportunity to give back to our community.

Tuesday 1/29 we will be putting out bags during the troop meeting, *If you can, please arrive an hour before the meeting to help staple info to the bags (bring a stapler)

Saturday 2/2 we will meet at Woodhaven at 9:00am in uniform and pick up filled bag.

Drivers will be needed for both days



A Scout is reverent… Scout Sunday is 2/17 at Woodhaven

Meet out front at 10am in full uniform

Scouts and their families are encouraged to attend.  Scouts will usher and greet guests.



Upcoming Events  

1/19                 Alaska Prep(Cub hike) 10:00am @ Cedar Ridge Preserve

1/19                 Troop Planning Meeting 2:00pm @ Woodhaven

1/26-27            Webelos Show’N’Do @ Camp Wisdom

1/29                 Troop Meeting / Scouting for Food

2/2                   Scouting for Food Bag Pick-up 9am

2/5                   PLC / Troop Meeting / OA elections

2/12                 Troop Meeting

2/17                 Scout Sunday 10:00am @ Woodhaven



Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card


Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)



Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving



Texas Fins Feathers & Conservation: Merit Badge University & Trail to First Class Day

3/23 8:30am – 5:00pm @ Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center 5550 FM2495 Athens

Cost $20/scout, $5/adult scout leader (lunch and a patch included)

Register info at beginning in January.



2019 Conservation Day at Camp James Ray:  9:00am – 4:00pm; $20/scout lunch provided

Register on Circle Ten CampMaster

(May 18) Forestry, Weather, Soil & Water Conservation, Geology





Advancement Report / Awards

Colby C. was the top popcorn seller for 2018!

Troop 508 Newsletter 1/9/2019

This Week in Troop 508



Mr. Bolton is asking for any unwanted Boy Scout and Cub Scout patches you have hanging around your house.  For upcoming recruiting event.  Please bring them to Mr. Bolton at the next few troop meetings.  Thank you.




Troop Planning Meeting Saturday 1/19 2:00pm @ Woodhaven

The current and previous PLC and positions of responsibility should attend.


Webelos Show-n-Do 1/26-27 @ Camp Wisdom; Cost $10

Saturday meet at Camp Wisdom at 8:00am

Sunday pick up from Camp Wisdom at 10am


Scouting for Food – A Scout is Helpful…  Great opportunity to give back to our community.

Tuesday 1/29 we will be putting out bags during the troop meeting

Saturday 2/2 we will meet at Woodhaven at 9:00am in uniform and pick up bags of food.

Drivers will be needed for both days




Upcoming Events  

1/8                   PLC / Troop Meeting

1/19                 Alaska Prep(Cub hike) 10:00am @ Cedar Ridge Preserve

1/19                 Troop Planning Meeting 2:00pm @ Woodhaven

1/26-27         Webelos Show-n-Do @ Camp Wisdom

1/29                 Troop Meeting / Scouting for Food

2/2                   Scouting for Food Bag Pick-up 9am

2/5                   Troop Meeting / OA elections





Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card


Merit Badge Mania Duck Creek District:  Jan. 26 @ LDS Church Garland;  Cost $10 lunch provided;  Register on CampMaster between 12/6-1/12

(Art, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, E Prep, Entrepreneurship & American Business, Environmental Science, Plumbing, Sustainability, Theater, Citizenship in the World, Communication & Public Speaking, Disabilities Awareness, Fingerprinting, Moviemaking, Oceanography, Scouting Heritage, Sustainability, Cooking, Genealogy, Pioneering)



Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)



Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving



Texas Fins Feathers & Conservation: Merit Badge University & Trail to First Class Day

3/23 8:30am – 5:00pm @ Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center 5550 FM2495 Athens

Cost $20/scout, $5/adult scout leader (lunch and a patch included)

Register info at beginning in January.



2019 Conservation Day at Camp James Ray:  9:00am – 4:00pm; $20/scout lunch provided

Register on Circle Ten CampMaster

(May 18) Forestry, Weather, Soil & Water Conservation, Geology

Troop 508 Newsletter 12/19/2018

This Week in Troop 508



Mr. Bolton is asking for any unwanted Boy Scout and Cub Scout patches you have hanging around your house.  For upcoming recruiting event.  Please bring them to Mr. Bolton at the next few troop meetings.  Thank you



Winter Camp – 12/27-31 @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp; Cost:$100

Meet at Woodhaven at 9am on Dec 27, Arrive back at Woodhaven around noon on the 31st (this time is approximate so please be flexible)

More information about Winter Camp can be found here Winter Camp Program Addendum

Keep an eye on your email for a winter camp gear list



Scouting for Food – A Scout is Helpful…  Great opportunity to give back to our community.

Tuesday 1/29 we will be putting out bags during the troop meeting

Saturday 2/2 we will meet at Woodhaven at 9:00am in uniform and pick up bags of food.

Drivers will be needed for both days




Upcoming Events  

12/25               Merry Christmas! No troop meeting

12/27-31          Winter Camp @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp

1/1                   Happy New Year!  No troop meeting

1/6                   Committee Meeting 7pm at Woodhaven

1/8                   PLC / Troop Meeting

1/29                 Troop Meeting / Scouting for Food

2/2                   Scouting for Food Bag Pick-up 9am

2/5                   Troop Meeting / OA elections





Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card


Merit Badge Mania Duck Creek District:  Jan. 26 @ LDS Church Garland;  Cost $10 lunch provided;  Register on CampMaster between 12/6-1/12

(Art, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, E Prep, Entrepreneurship & American Business, Environmental Science, Plumbing, Sustainability, Theater, Citizenship in the World, Communication & Public Speaking, Disabilities Awareness, Fingerprinting, Moviemaking, Oceanography, Scouting Heritage, Sustainability, Cooking, Genealogy, Pioneering)



Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)



Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving



Texas Fins Feathers & Conservation: Merit Badge University & Trail to First Class Day

3/23 8:30am – 5:00pm @ Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center 5550 FM2495 Athens

Cost $20/scout, $5/adult scout leader (lunch and a patch included)

Register info at beginning in January.



2019 Conservation Day at Camp James Ray:  9:00am – 4:00pm; $20/scout lunch provided

Register on Circle Ten CampMaster

(May 18) Forestry, Weather, Soil & Water Conservation, Geology

Troop 508 Newsletter 12/12/2018

This Week in Troop 508



Mr. Bolton is asking for any unwanted Boy Scout and Cub Scout patches you have hanging around your house.  For upcoming recruiting event.  Please bring them to Mr. Bolton at the next few troop meetings.  Thank you


Alaska Prep Hike (Cub Scouts invited) – 12/15 @ Dogwood Canyon 1pm to around 3pm

This is a beautiful 2 mile loop around the top of a small hill.  Fantastic views and great bird watching!  1206 W.FM 1382 Cedar Hill TX 76104  Donations accepted.



Volunteer Opportunity – Wreaths Across America 12/15 11:00am @ Oak Grove Memorial Gardens 1413 E Irving Blvd or @ Sparkman Hillcrest Cemetery 7405 W Northwest Hwy Dallas

Lay remembrance wreaths on graves of our country’s fallen heroes.

Here is the link to volunteer



Winter Camp – 12/27-31 @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp; Cost:$100; please pay at next mtg.

Turn in a copy of your BSA medical form.  We should already have it if you went to summer camp.  More information can be found here Winter Camp Program Addendum



Recharter Time – Scouts need to catch up on their dues asap or pay their recharter fee of $33.



Scouting for Food – A Scout is Helpful…  Great opportunity to give back to our community.

Tuesday 1/29 we will be putting out bags during the troop meeting

Saturday 2/2 we will meet at Woodhaven at 9:00am in uniform and pick up bags of food.

Drivers will be needed for both days




Upcoming Events  

12/15               Alaska Prep Hike @ Dogwood Canyon 1pm-3pm

12/18               Troop Meeting / Personal Fitness MB, wear exercise clothes under uniform

12/25               Merry Christmas!

12/27-31          Winter Camp @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp

1/1                   Happy New Year!

1/8                   PLC / Troop Meeting

1/29                 Troop Meeting / Scouting for Food

2/2                   Scouting for Food Bag Pick-up 9am

2/5                   Troop Meeting / OA elections





Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration  required* for these workshops. Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your Blue Card


Merit Badge Mania Duck Creek District:  Jan. 26 @ LDS Church Garland;  Cost $10 lunch provided;  Register on CampMaster between 12/6-1/12

(Art, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, E Prep, Entrepreneurship & American Business, Environmental Science, Plumbing, Sustainability, Theater, Citizenship in the World, Communication & Public Speaking, Disabilities Awareness, Fingerprinting, Moviemaking, Oceanography, Scouting Heritage, Sustainability, Cooking, Genealogy, Pioneering)



Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)



Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving



Texas Fins Feathers & Conservation: Merit Badge University & Trail to First Class Day

3/23 8:30am – 5:00pm @ Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center 5550 FM2495 Athens

Cost $20/scout, $5/adult scout leader (lunch and a patch included)

Register info at beginning in January.



2019 Conservation Day at Camp James Ray:  9:00am – 4:00pm; $20/scout lunch provided

Register on Circle Ten CampMaster

(May 18) Forestry, Weather, Soil & Water Conservation, Geology