All posts by secretary

Troop 508 Newsletter 4/10/2018

This Week in Troop 508



BSA Medical Form for All Scouting Events – Required for ALL participants in basic Scouting activities such as weekend campouts.  Please fill out and bring to the next troop event or meeting.   Link to Form




Below is the link to the sign up genius for camp card booth sign ups. Tom Thumb is open only in April (except sat/sun Easter) M-F 4pm-8pm and all day Saturday and Sunday. If there is a particular date you want to try and sign up for at Tom Thumb please let me know and I will do my best to get the date, most days during the week are still open.

Contact: Mrs. Cleveland





Summer Camp 2019! @ Trevor Rees Jones Scout Camp

June 23 – 29; Cost is $275 per scout plus fuel and any merit badge fees

Sign-up by emailing Mr. Murphy or at the next troop meeting!

BSA Medical Form and pre-participation physical is required.  Link to Form

For those of you going to Alaska, since that summer camp is not merit badge heavy, you can certainly attend both summer camps.





Upcoming Events  

4/16                 Troop Meeting

4/23                 Troop Meeting

4/27-28            First Year Patrol Campout @ Camp Wisdom 9AM

4/28                 Troop Committee Meeting @ Woodhaven 7PM

4/30                 Troop Meeting

5/7                   PLC / Troop Meeting

5/11                 Swim Check @ Camp Wisdom Pool for Summer Camp (TRJ and Alaska)

5/27                 Flags at Oak Grove Cemetery 9am

6/23-29            Summer Camp @ TRJ








Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required*  Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!



Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)





Perot Museum: $20 per scout; register online at;

contact or 214-756-5763 with any questions

These classes are all on Sundays and they fill up fast

(Jul 28 at 12pm) Environmental Science

(Jul 28 at 3pm) Communication




Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving






2019 Conservation Day at Camp James Ray:  9:00am – 4:00pm; $20/scout lunch provided

Register on Circle Ten CampMaster

(May 18) Forestry, Weather, Soil & Water Conservation, Geology










Website:                                                    Facebook:  Troop 508 Irving

Troop 508 Newsletter 4/3/2019

This Week in Troop 508



BSA Medical Form for All Scouting Events – Required for ALL participants in basic Scouting activities such as weekend campouts.  Please fill out and bring to the next troop event or meeting.   Link to Form


Below is the link to the sign up genius for camp card booth sign ups. Tom Thumb is open only in April (except sat/sun Easter) M-F 4pm-8pm and all day Saturday and Sunday. If there is a particular date you want to try and sign up for at Tom Thumb please let me know and I will do my best to get the date, most days during the week are still open.

Contact: Mrs. Cleveland


Canoe Campout 4/5-7 @ Worth Ranch; Cost $35/person

We are keeping an eye on the weather for safety reasons.  We will email Thursday evening either way.

Friday please arrive at Woodhaven at 6:00pm so we can depart by 7:00pm

Sunday arrive back at Woodhaven around noon

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503


Summer Camp 2019! @ Trevor Rees Jones Scout Camp

June 23 – 29; Cost is $275 per scout plus fuel and any merit badge fees

Sign-up by emailing Mr. Murphy or at the next troop meeting!

BSA Medical Form and pre-participation physical is required.  Link to Form

For those of you going to Alaska, since that summer camp is not merit badge heavy, you can certainly attend both summer camps.




Upcoming Events  

4/5-7                Canoe Campout @ Worth Ranch

4/9                   Troop Meeting

4/13-14            Backpacking Trip @ Cross Timbers Trail

5/11                 Swim Check @ Camp Wisdom Pool for Summer Camp (TRJ and Alaska)

6/23-29            Summer Camp @ TRJ


Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required*  Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!



Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)




Perot Museum: $20 per scout; register online at;

contact or 214-756-5763 with any questions

These classes are all on Sundays and they fill up fast

(Jul 28 at 12pm) Environmental Science

(Jul 28 at 3pm) Communication



Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving




2019 Conservation Day at Camp James Ray:  9:00am – 4:00pm; $20/scout lunch provided

Register on Circle Ten CampMaster

(May 18) Forestry, Weather, Soil & Water Conservation, Geology 

Troop 508 Newsletter 3/20/2019

This Week in Troop 508



Below is the link to the sign up genius for camp card booth sign ups. Tom Thumb is open only in April (except sat/sun Easter) M-F 4pm-8pm and all day Saturday and Sunday. If there is a particular date you want to try and sign up for at Tom Thumb please let me know and I will do my best to get the date, most days during the week are still open.

Contact: Mrs. Cleveland



Fishing Campout This Weekend 3/22-24 @ Lake Whitney State Park; Cost $35/person

Friday please arrive at Woodhaven at 6:00pm so we can depart by 7:00pm

Sunday arrive back at Woodhaven around noon

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503



Troop Court of Honor is 3/26.  Bi-annual formal event where family and friends are encouraged to attend and support the scouts. Scouts should be in full uniform (mb sash, neckerchief)



Canoe Campout 4/5-7 @ Worth Ranch; Cost $35/person

Friday please arrive at Woodhaven at 6:00pm so we can depart by 7:00pm

Sunday arrive back at Woodhaven around noon

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503



Summer Camp 2019! The troop’s summer camp is at Trevor Rees Jones

June 23 – 29; Cost is $275 per scout plus fuel and any merit badge fees

Sign-up by emailing Mr. Murphy or at the next troop meeting!

For those of you going to Alaska, since that summer camp is not merit badge heavy, you can certainly attend both summer camps.





Upcoming Events  

3/22-24            Fishing Campout @ Lake Whitney State Park

3/26                 Troop Court of Honor

3/31                 Troop Committee Meeting @ Woodhaven 7PM

4/2                   PLC / Troop Meeting

4/5-7                Canoe Campout @ Worth Ranch

4/9                   Troop Meeting

4/13-14            Backpacking Trip @ Cross Timbers Trail

5/11                 Swim Check @ Camp Wisdom Pool for Summer Camp (TRJ and Alaska)

6/23-29            Summer Camp @ TRJ



Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required*  Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!



Texas Fins Feathers & Conservation Merit Badge University & Trail to First Class Day

3/23 8:30am – 5:00pm @ Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center 5550 FM2495 Athens

Cost $20/scout, $5/adult scout leader (lunch and a patch included)

more info can be found on the event flyer .  Register on Circle Ten CampMaster




Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)





Perot Museum: $20 per scout; register online at;

contact or 214-756-5763 with any questions

These classes are all on Sundays and they fill up fast

(May 26 at 12pm) Citizenship in the Nation

(Jul 28 at 12pm) Environmental Science

(Jul 28 at 3pm) Communication




Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving






2019 Conservation Day at Camp James Ray:  9:00am – 4:00pm; $20/scout lunch provided

Register on Circle Ten CampMaster

(May 18) Forestry, Weather, Soil & Water Conservation, Geology

Troop 508 Newsletter 3/13/2019

This Week in Troop 508



John W Eagle Project workdays are 3/15 5pm, 3/16 9am at Irving North Christian Church 2901 N MacArthur Blvd Irving 75062.  Come and help if you are able to.

Bring work gloves, safety glasses, philips head screwdriver if you have it.



Troop elections 3/19 troop meeting.  Scouts put their name in for any position for which they would like to be considered.



Fishing Campout 3/22-24 @ Lake Whitney State Park; Cost $35/person

Friday please arrive at Woodhaven at 6:00pm so we can depart by 7:00pm

Sunday arrive back at Woodhaven around noon

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503



Troop Court of Honor is 3/26.  Bi-annual formal event where family and friends are encouraged to attend and support the scouts. Scouts should be in full uniform (mb sash, neckerchief)



Pictures needed!  We need pictures for the Court of Honor slideshow. Pictures can be from any troop activities from the last 6 months (since the last COH).

Send pictures to



Canoe Campout 4/5-7 @ Worth Ranch; Cost $35/person

Friday please arrive at Woodhaven at 6:00pm so we can depart by 7:00pm

Sunday arrive back at Woodhaven around noon

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503




Upcoming Events  

3/15                 John W. Eagle Project Work Day INCC 5pm

3/16                 John W. Eagle Project Work Day INCC 9am

3/19                 Troop Meeting / Troop Elections

3/22-24            Fishing Campout @ Lake Whitney State Park

3/26                 Troop Court of Honor

3/31                 Troop Committee Meeting @ Woodhaven 7PM

4/2                   PLC / Troop Meeting

4/5-7                Canoe Campout @ Worth Ranch

4/9                   Troop Meeting

4/13-14            Backpacking Trip @ Cross Timbers Trail




Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required*  Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!



Texas Fins Feathers & Conservation Merit Badge University & Trail to First Class Day

3/23 8:30am – 5:00pm @ Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center 5550 FM2495 Athens

Cost $20/scout, $5/adult scout leader (lunch and a patch included)

more info can be found on the event flyer .  Register on Circle Ten CampMaster




Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)





Perot Museum: $20 per scout; register online at;

contact or 214-756-5763 with any questions

These classes are all on Sundays and they fill up fast

(May 26 at 12pm) Citizenship in the Nation

(Jul 28 at 12pm) Environmental Science

(Jul 28 at 3pm) Communication




Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving






2019 Conservation Day at Camp James Ray:  9:00am – 4:00pm; $20/scout lunch provided

Register on Circle Ten CampMaster

(May 18) Forestry, Weather, Soil & Water Conservation, Geology

Troop 508 Newsletter 3/6/2019

This Week in Troop 508



John W Eagle Project workdays are 3/15 5pm, 3/16 9am at Irving North Christian Church 2901 N MacArthur Blvd Irving 75062.  Come and help if you are able to.

Bring work gloves, safety glasses, philips head screwdriver if you have it.


Troop elections 3/19 troop meeting.  Scouts put their name in for any position for which they would like to be considered.



Upcoming Events  

3/12                 Troop Meeting

3/15                 John W. Eagle Project Work Day INCC 5pm

3/16                 John W. Eagle Project Work Day INCC 9am

3/19                 Troop Meeting / Troop Elections

3/22-24            Fishing Campout

3/26                 Troop Court of Honor (cut-off for advancement 3/12)

3/31                 Troop Committee Meeting @ Woodhaven 7PM

4/2                   PLC / Troop Meeting

4/13-14            Backpacking Trip @ Cross Timbers Trail




Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required*  Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!



Spring Merit Badge University:  Held daily from 9am-3pm on March 12, 13, & 14  @ Camp Wisdom 6400 W Red Bird Ln, Dallas TX 75236 ; Register soon through Circle Ten Council



Texas Fins Feathers & Conservation Merit Badge University & Trail to First Class Day

3/23 8:30am – 5:00pm @ Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center 5550 FM2495 Athens

Cost $20/scout, $5/adult scout leader (lunch and a patch included)

more info can be found on the event flyer .  Register on Circle Ten CampMaster





Merit Badge Opportunities Cont.

*Registration required* Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!



Cavanaugh Flight Museum: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800; 4572 Claire Chennault, Addison 75001  Flyer with more details

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, and Aviation MB workbook , completion of the workbook is required for sign off by the MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class with the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)



Perot Museum: $20 per scout; register online at;

contact or 214-756-5763 with any questions

These classes are all on Sundays and they fill up fast

(May 26 at 12pm) Citizenship in the Nation

(Jul 28 at 12pm) Environmental Science

(Jul 28 at 3pm) Communication



Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving




2019 Conservation Day at Camp James Ray:  9:00am – 4:00pm; $20/scout lunch provided

Register on Circle Ten CampMaster

(May 18) Forestry, Weather, Soil & Water Conservation, Geology