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Troop 508 Newsletter 11/13/2019


This Week in Troop 508




John’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor – Everyone is invited to a joint Eagle Court of Honor for John Whitgrove and Kristopher Zingerli. Friday, Nov. 22nd at the Amphitheater at Camp Wisdom.

We will gather at 6:00pm and the ceremony will start at 6:30pm



Hiking Merit Badge – next hike: 11/23 10am @ Fort Worth Nature Center 10 miles

Come hike with us even if you aren’t working on the merit badge!

This is a program that our troop runs. It is a service we provide to Cub Scouts in our district.

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503


Christmas Family Campout! 12/7-8 @ Camp Wisdom

Bring the whole family! Potluck style dinner and games Saturday!

Dutch oven cooking contest for both youth and adults!

Bring a side dish/dessert to share

Bring a gift around $10 value to participate in the fun gift exchange!

Camp or just come out for the day.

Mr. Bolton’s last campout as Scoutmaster!



Yearly Planning Meeting – Saturday 12/14 9am to noon

Members of the current and previous PLC should plan to attend

Pizza for lunch will be provided



Winter Camp! – 12/26-31 @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp; Cost $100

Merit Badge sign up begins 11/1. *Turn in your merit badge choices to Mrs. Cleveland as soon as possible.* Merit Badge choices can be found here Winter Camp Program Addendum . The Leaders Guide can be found here.




Upcoming Events

11/19               Troop Meeting

11/22               John Eagle COH 6:30PM @ Camp Wisdom

11/23               Fort Worth Nature Center 10-mile hike 10am.

11/26               Troop Meeting

12/7-8              Christmas Family Campout @ Camp Wisdom – potluck, games, family fun!

12/14               Planning Meeting 9am to noon

12/26-31          Winter Camp @ Trevor-Rees Jones


Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required* Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!


Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament $32.95 per person; for reservations call 469-342-5555 or  email

(4/19/20, 5/3/20, 5/17/20, 9/19/20) Animal Science


Cavanaugh Flight Museum Addison: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, & Aviation MB workbook, completion of the workbook is required for sign off by MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class w/the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving


LLELA Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area: $10 per scout,

for more info contact Robert Smith 469-635-5482

(Nov 16) Bird Study; (Dec 14) Reptile & Amphibian Study; (Jan 11) Insect Study; (Feb 15) Weather.  Limited space!

Troop 508 Newsletter 11/6/2019


This Week in Troop 508




November Campout @ Camp Constantine 11/8-10

Meet at Woodhaven 6pm Friday to depart at 7pm

Arrive back at Woodhaven approx. noon Sunday

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503




Winter Camp! – 12/27-31 @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp; Cost $100

Merit Badge sign up begins 11/1. *Turn in your merit badge choices to Mrs. Cleveland as soon as possible.* Merit Badge choices can be found here Winter Camp Program Addendum . The Leaders Guide is attached to this email.




Hiking Merit Badge – next hike: 11/23 10am @ Fort Worth Nature Center 10 miles

Come hike with us even if you aren’t working on the merit badge!

This is a program that our troop runs. It is a service we provide to Cub Scouts in our district.

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503



Christmas Family Campout! 12/7-8 @ Camp Wisdom

Bring the whole family! Dinner and games Saturday!

Dutch oven cooking contest for both youth and adults!

Bring a side dish/dessert to share; Fun gift exchange!

Mr. Bolton’s last campout as Scoutmaster!






Upcoming Events

11/8-10            November Campout @ Camp Constantine $20

11/12               Troop Meeting

11/19               Troop Meeting

11/23               Fort Worth Nature Center 10-mile hike 10am.

11/26               Troop Meeting

12/7-8              Christmas Family Campout @ Camp Wisdom – potluck, games, family fun!






Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required* Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!


Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament $32.95 per person; for reservations call 469-342-5555 or  email

(4/19/20, 5/3/20, 5/17/20, 9/19/20) Animal Science


Cavanaugh Flight Museum Addison: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, & Aviation MB workbook, completion of the workbook is required for sign off by MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class w/the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving


LLELA Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area: $10 per scout,

for more info contact Robert Smith 469-635-5482

(Nov 16) Bird Study; (Dec 14) Reptile & Amphibian Study; (Jan 11) Insect Study; (Feb 15) Weather.  Limited space!

Troop 508 Newsletter 10/23/2019

This Week in Troop 508




If you are not going on the November Campout 11/8-10, a few scouts are needed for a flag ceremony 11/ 9 at 6PM in Irving. If you are not planning on going to campout and are willing to do this flag ceremony, please let Mr. Bolton know by this Friday.


All Popcorn Orders are Due to Kathy by this Saturday 10/26!

Popcorn pickup is Saturday Nov 16

Please contact Kathy to turn in your form to her 214-632-0662 



Jacob’s Eagle Project Work Day –  Support your fellow scouts! Earn service hours!

Date: 10/26 9am to 3pm

Location: 2804 Condor Drive in Irving

Bring: a water bottle, work gloves, and eye protection if possible

Donuts, pizza, and drinks will be provided.




Hiking Merit Badge – next hike: 11/23 10am @ Fort Worth Nature Center 10 miles

Come hike with us even if you aren’t working on the merit badge!

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503



Service Opportunity! Trunk or Treat at Woodhaven 10/31 5-8PM

Come out and help run games and give out candy!

Give back to our chartered organization and earn service hours!



Personal Management Merit Badge – Starting during the November 5 troop meeting



Winter Camp! – 12/27-31 @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp; Cost $100

Merit Badge sign up begins 11/1. *Turn in your merit badge choices to Mrs. Cleveland by 10/31 to get your first choice.* Merit Badge choices can be found here Winter Camp Program Addendum . The Leaders Guide is attached to this email.


Christmas Family Campout! 12/7-8 @ Camp Wisdom

Bring the whole family! Dinner and games Saturday!

Dutch oven cooking contest for both youth and adults!

Bring a side dish/dessert to share; Fun gift exchange!

Mr. Bolton’s last campout as Scoutmaster!




Upcoming Events

10/26               Popcorn Orders Due to Kathy Whitgrove!

10/26               Jacob’s Eagle Project Work Day 9am-3pm 2804 Condor in Irving

10/29               Troop Meeting/Movie Night Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds”, movie will start at 6:30

10/31               Trunk or Treat at Woodhaven

11/5                 PLC / Troop Meeting / Personal Management MB

11/8-10            November Campout @ Camp Constantine $20

11/23               Fort Worth Nature Center 10-mile hike 10am.

12/7-8              Christmas Family Campout @ Camp Wisdom – potluck, games, family fun!





Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required* Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!


Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament $32.95 per person; for reservations call 469-342-5555 or  email

(4/19/20, 5/3/20, 5/17/20, 9/19/20) Animal Science


Cavanaugh Flight Museum Addison: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, & Aviation MB workbook, completion of the workbook is required for sign off by MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class w/the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving


LLELA Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area: $10 per scout,

for more info contact Robert Smith 469-635-5482

(Nov 2) Soil & Water Conservation; (Nov 16) Bird Study; (Dec 14) Reptile & Amphibian Study; (Jan 11) Insect Study; (Feb 15) Weather.  Limited space!

Troop 508 Newsletter 10/16/2019

This Week in Troop 508




A scout is thrifty… There is still time to sell popcorn!

Selling popcorn pays for Winter Camp, Summer Camp, and long weekend campouts!

Popcorn Dates: All orders due at the NEXT troop meeting; Popcorn pickup is Saturday Nov 16

Please contact Kathy Whitgrove with any questions 214-632-0662 



Jacob’s Eagle Project Work Day –  Support your fellow scouts! Earn service hours!

Date: 10/26 9am to 3pm

Location: 2804 Condor Drive in Irving

Bring: a water bottle, work gloves, and eye protection if possible

Donuts, pizza, and drinks will be provided.




Hiking Merit Badge – Upcoming hikes: This Saturday 10/19 9am @ Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area (LLELA) 5 miles, Cost $5 per vehicle, once in the gate drive all the way down and park. Come hike with us even if you aren’t working on the merit badge!

11/23 10am @ Fort Worth Nature Center 10 miles

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503



Service Opportunity! Trunk or Treat at Woodhaven 10/31 5-8PM

Come out and help run games and give out candy!

Give back to our chartered organization and earn service hours!



Personal Management Merit Badge – Starting during the November 5 troop meeting



Winter Camp! – 12/27-31 @ Trevor-Rees Jones Scout Camp; Cost $100

Merit Badge sign up begins 11/1. Turn in your merit badge choices to Mrs. Cleveland by 10/31 to get your first choice. Merit Badge choices can be found here Winter Camp Program Addendum . The Leaders Guide is attached to this email.


Christmas Family Campout! 12/7-8 @ Camp Wisdom

Bring the whole family! Dinner and games Saturday!

Dutch oven cooking contest for both youth and adults!

Bring a side dish/dessert to share; Fun gift exchange!

Mr. Bolton’s last campout as Scoutmaster!




Upcoming Events

10/19               LLELA 5-mile hike 9am, Please arrive before 9

10/22               Troop Meeting / Popcorn Orders Due!

10/26               Jacob’s Eagle Project Work Day 9am-3pm 2804 Condor in Irving

10/29               Troop Meeting/Movie Night Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds”, movie will start at 6:30

10/31               Trunk or Treat at Woodhaven

11/5                 PLC / Troop Meeting / Personal Management MB

11/23               Fort Worth Nature Center 10-mile hike 10am.

12/7-8              Christmas Family Campout @ Camp Wisdom – potluck, games, family fun!




Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required* Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!


Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament $32.95 per person; for reservations call 469-342-5555 or  email

(4/19/20, 5/3/20, 5/17/20, 9/19/20) Animal Science


Cavanaugh Flight Museum Addison: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, & Aviation MB workbook, completion of the workbook is required for sign off by MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class w/the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving


LLELA Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area: $10 per scout,

for more info contact Robert Smith 469-635-5482

(Oct 19) Environmental Science; (Nov 2) Soil & Water Conservation; (Nov 16) Bird Study; (Dec 14) Reptile & Amphibian Study; (Jan 11) Insect Study; (Feb 15) Weather.  Limited space!




Advancement Report

Ethan B – Life Scout Rank

Adam N – Life Scout Rank

Aidan R – Fishing MB

Isaiah S – Digital Technology MB

Troop 508 Newsletter 10/9/2019

This Week in Troop 508




A scout is thrifty… Selling popcorn pays for Winter Camp, Summer Camp, and long weekend campouts!

Popcorn Dates: All orders due at the Oct 22 troop meeting; Popcorn pickup is Saturday Nov 16

Please contact Kathy Whitgrove with any questions 214-632-0662 



Camp Out on the USS Lexington

We will camp Sat night at Coleto Creek Park in Victoria. Then we will sleep aboard the USS Lexington Sunday evening.

Depart from Woodhaven 7AM Saturday 10/12

Return around 7PM Monday 10/14

Contact Denise Bolton 469-844-5425



Jacob’s Eagle Project Work Day –  Support your fellow scouts! Earn service hours!

Date: 10/26 9am to 3pm

Location: 2804 Condor Drive in Irving

Bring: a water bottle, work gloves, and eye protection if possible

Donuts, pizza, and drinks will be provided.




Hiking Merit Badge – Upcoming hikes: 10/19 9am @ Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area (LLELA) 5 miles, 11/23 10am @ Fort Worth Nature Center 10 miles



Service Opportunity! Trunk or Treat at Woodhaven 10/31 5-8PM

Come out and help run games and give out candy!

Give back to our chartered organization and earn service hours



Personal Management Merit Badge – Starting during the November 5 troop meeting



A Scout is Courteous…  Please bring a reusable water bottle or cup to troop meetings. This will cut down on the number of cups we are throwing away.

Also, we need to be respectful of the church as a whole, this includes the kitchen area and the ice maker. When getting ice, use the blue scoopon the side of the ice maker and fill your bottle over the sink, not over the ice maker, so we don’t spill ice on the floor. Thank you!







Upcoming Events

10/12-14          USS Lexington Camp Out

10/15               Troop Meeting

10/19               LLELA 5-mile hike 9am

10/22               Troop Meeting

10/26               Jacob’s Eagle Project Work Day 9am-3pm 2804 Condor in Irving

10/29               Troop Meeting/Movie Night Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds”, movie will start at 6:30

10/31               Trunk or Treat at Woodhaven

11/5                 PLC / Troop Meeting / Personal Management MB

11/23               Fort Worth Nature Center 10-mile hike 10am.

12/7-8              Christmas Family Campout @ Camp Wisdom – potluck, games, family fun!






Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required* Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!


Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament$32.95 per person; for reservations call 469-342-5555 or email

(4/19/20, 5/3/20, 5/17/20, 9/19/20) Animal Science


District Merit Badge College@ Lone Star Park in Grand Prairie 11/16. Details to come soon…


Cavanaugh Flight Museum Addison:$6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800

(2ndSaturday of each month) Aviation

Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, & Aviation MB workbook, completion of the workbook is required for sign off by MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class w/the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving


LLELA Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area:$10 per scout,

for more info contact Robert Smith 469-635-5482

(Oct 19) Environmental Science; (Nov 2) Soil & Water Conservation; (Nov 16) Bird Study; (Dec 14) Reptile & Amphibian Study; (Jan 11) Insect Study; (Feb 15) Weather.  Limited space!