All posts by secretary

Troop 508 Newsletter 3/4/2020


This Week in Troop 508



Reminders –Troop meetings are uniformed events. Please wear your field uniform (scout shirt and pants if you have them). Bring a reusable water bottle to every meeting. No energy drinks at meetings or other troop events.


A scout is thrifty… Help pay for campouts/summer camp by selling camp cards!  Please see Mrs. Cleveland for cards. Money or unsold camp cards are due 4/28 at the latest but you should turn in your money as you sell them. Also, if your scout sells 25 cards let Mrs. Cleveland know and he will be entered into a weekly drawing. We will let everyone know when we have the times for Tom Thumb booth sales when they open up.


Fishing Campout @ Purtis Creek State Park 3/27-29                                                                Meet at Woodhaven 6pm Friday, Depart 7pm                                                                        Return to Woodhaven around noon Sunday                                                                                  Bring some gear if you want to fish.  Contact: Mr. Murphy


Troop Court of Honor 3/31 – any advancements or merit badges to be recognized at this COH need to be turned in to Mr. Buchanan no later than 3/17


Summer Camp – Camp Alexander in Colorado, July 18-26. Second payment is due on 2/25, if you have not paid the first deposit of $110 you will need to catch up. If your scout is attending, he needs to be on the list BEFORE the end of February

The troop will be leaving on Saturday July 18, staying overnight in Amarillo then continuing on to the camp on Sunday. They will again stay in Amarillo on the return trip the following weekend.

Cost of the camp is $360 + $40 transportation cost + $13 Camp Alexander tshirt + $90 optional white-water rafting excursion.  Adult cost is $295 + $40 transportation + $13 Camp Alexander tshirt + $90 optional white-water rafting excursion
Pikes Peak council requires us to make several payments in the spring, so we are setting up a payment plan. The Payment Schedule:
$110- 1/14/20*
$110- 2/25/20
$83- 4/30/20
Due 5/31/20- Cost of individual merit badges (merit badge sign-up begins 5/13/20) + optional white-water rafting excursion $90



2021 National Jamboree – Circle Ten Council has 10 Troops reserved to go to Jamboree. Scouts must be at least First Class & 12 years of age. Go here for more information.



Upcoming Events

3/10                 Troop Meeting

3/17                 Troop Meeting

3/24                 Troop Meeting

3/27-29            Fishing Campout @ Purtis Creek State Park

3/31                 Troop COH


Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required* Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!


Spring Break MB University: $25 lunch is provided

(March 14) Archery, First Aid, Plumbing, Home Repair, Crime Prevention & Fingerprinting, Auto Maintenance, Collections, Citizenship in the World, Radio, E Prep, Enviro Science, Fishing, Fly Fishing, Orienteering, Welding.  Register here.



Cavanaugh Flight Museum Addison: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation.  Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, & Aviation MB workbook (found at, completion of the workbook is required for sign off by MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class w/the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)



Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving



Texas Fin Fur Con Wildlife & Conservation MB University:  Cost $20/Scout, $10/adult Scout leader; @ Trevor Rees-Jones Scout Camp; More info and to register

(March 28) Annual merit badge university and Trail to First Class event with a focus on the outdoors, wildlife, and conservation; in partnership with Circle Ten Council and Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center (TFFC).



LLELA Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area: Outdoor Enrichment Series 2020-21

for more info contact Robert Smith 469-635-5482

(June 20&27) Kayaking, (Oct 17) Enivro Science, (Nov 7&14) Bird Study, (Nov 21) Soil & Water Conservation, (Dec 12) Reptile & Amphibian Study, (Jan 16) Insect Study, (Feb 13) Weather

Limited space! Sign up early!


Troop 508 Newsletter 2/26/2020


This Week in Troop 508



Reminders –Troop meetings are uniformed events. Please wear your field uniform (scout shirt and pants if you have them). Bring a reusable water bottle to every meeting. No energy drinks at meetings or other troop events.



Webelos Cooking / Recruiting Event – Saturday 2/29 @ Woodhaven noon to 5pm,

actual event runs from 1-4PM.  We would like to see everyone come out to help!  Earn service hours!  Contact: Mr. Murphy 817-909-2864



Troop Court of Honor 3/31 – any advancements or merit badges to be recognized at this COH need to be turned in to Mr. Buchanan no later than 3/17



Summer Camp – Camp Alexander in Colorado, July 18-26. Second payment is due on 2/25, if you have not paid the first deposit of $110 you will need to catch up. If your scout is attending, he needs to be on the list BEFORE the end of February

The troop will be leaving on Saturday July 18, staying overnight in Amarillo then continuing on to the camp on Sunday. They will again stay in Amarillo on the return trip the following weekend.

Cost of the camp is $360 + $40 transportation cost + $13 Camp Alexander tshirt + $90 optional white-water rafting excursion.  Adult cost is $295 + $40 transportation + $13 Camp Alexander tshirt + $90 optional white-water rafting excursion
Pikes Peak council requires us to make several payments in the spring, so we are setting up a payment plan. The Payment Schedule:
$110- 1/14/20*
$110- 2/25/20
$83- 4/30/20
Due 5/31/20- Cost of individual merit badges (merit badge sign-up begins 5/13/20) + optional white-water rafting excursion $90



2021 National Jamboree – Circle Ten Council has 10 Troops reserved to go to Jamboree. Scouts must be at least First Class & 12 years of age. Go here for more information.


Upcoming Events

2/29                 Webelos Cooking Event Woodhaven noon – 5pm

3/3                   PLC / Troop Meeting

3/10                 Troop Meeting

3/17                 Troop Meeting

3/24                 Troop Meeting

3/27-29            Fishing Campout @ Purtis Creek State Park

3/31                 Troop COH


Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required* Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!


Spring Break MB University: $25 lunch is provided

Two different sessions (one on March 7 and one on March 14). Each Saturday will offer the same set of merit badge classes and depending on the courses they select, scouts can take up to TWO merit badges per event! Some MBs are all day classes.

MBs being offered – Archery, First Aid, Plumbing, Home Repair, Crime Prevention & Fingerprinting, Auto Maintenance, Collections, Citizenship in the World, Radio, E Prep, Enviro Science, Fishing, Fly Fishing, Orienteering, Welding

Register here. You can attend either or both, each MBU registration is separate.



Cavanaugh Flight Museum Addison: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation.  Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, & Aviation MB workbook (found at, completion of the workbook is required for sign off by MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class w/the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)



Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving



Texas Fin Fur Con Wildlife & Conservation MB University:  Cost $20/Scout, $10/adult Scout leader; @ Trevor Rees-Jones Scout Camp; More info and to register

(March 28) Annual merit badge university and Trail to First Class event with a focus on the outdoors, wildlife, and conservation; in partnership with Circle Ten Council and Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center (TFFC).



LLELA Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area: Outdoor Enrichment Series 2020-21

for more info contact Robert Smith 469-635-5482

(June 20&27) Kayaking, (Oct 17) Enivro Science, (Nov 7&14) Bird Study, (Nov 21) Soil & Water Conservation, (Dec 12) Reptile & Amphibian Study, (Jan 16) Insect Study, (Feb 13) Weather

Limited space! Sign up early!





Advancement Report

Isaac R – Hiking MB

Troop 508 Newsletter 2/19/2020


This Week in Troop 508



Reminders –Troop meetings are uniformed events. Please wear your field uniform (scout shirt and pants if you have them). Bring a reusable water bottle to every meeting. No energy drinks at meetings or other troop events.



Webelos Cooking / Recruiting Event – 2/29 Woodhaven noon to 5pm,

actual event runs from 1-4PM.  We would like to see everyone come out to help!  Earn service hours!  Contact: Mr. Murphy 817-909-2864



Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge – Beginning February 25.



Summer Camp – Camp Alexander in Colorado, July 18-26. Second payment is due on 2/25, if you have not paid the first deposit of $110 you will need to catch up. If your scout is attending, he needs to be on the list BEFORE the end of February

The troop will be leaving on Saturday July 18, staying overnight in Amarillo then continuing on to the camp on Sunday. They will again stay in Amarillo on the return trip the following weekend.

Cost of the camp is $360 + $40 transportation cost + $13 Camp Alexander tshirt + $90 optional white-water rafting excursion.  Adult cost is $295 + $40 transportation + $13 Camp Alexander tshirt + $90 optional white-water rafting excursion
Pikes Peak council requires us to make several payments in the spring, so we are setting up a payment plan. The Payment Schedule:
$110- 1/14/20*
$110- 2/25/20
$83- 4/30/20
Due 5/31/20- Cost of individual merit badges (merit badge sign-up begins 5/13/20) + optional white-water rafting excursion $90



2021 National Jamboree – Circle Ten Council has 10 Troops reserved to go to Jamboree. Scouts must be at least First Class & 12 years of age. Go here for more information.


Upcoming Events

2/23                 Hiking MB 10mile hike 2pm Mike Lewis Park North Carrier Pkwy, Grand Prairie 75050; meet at parking lot @ Roy Orr Blvd. & Glacier Park Ln

2/25                 Troop Meeting / Citizenship in the Community MB

2/26                 Troop Committee Meeting 7pm @ Woodhaven

2/29                 Webelos Cooking Event Woodhaven noon – 5pm

3/3                   PLC / Troop Meeting

3/10                 Troop Meeting

3/17                 Troop Meeting

3/27-29            Fishing Campout @ Purtis Creek State Park


Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required* Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!


Spring Break MB University: $25 lunch is provided

Two different sessions (one on March 7 and one on March 14). Each Saturday will offer the same set of merit badge classes and depending on the courses they select, scouts can take up to TWO merit badges per event! Some MBs are all day classes.

MBs being offered – Archery, First Aid, Plumbing, Home Repair, Crime Prevention & Fingerprinting, Auto Maintenance, Collections, Citizenship in the World, Radio, E Prep, Enviro Science, Fishing, Fly Fishing, Orienteering, Welding

Register here. You can attend either or both, each MBU registration is separate.



Cavanaugh Flight Museum Addison: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation.  Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, & Aviation MB workbook (found at, completion of the workbook is required for sign off by MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class w/the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)



Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving



Texas Fin Fur Con Wildlife & Conservation MB University:  Cost $20/Scout, $10/adult Scout leader; @ Trevor Rees-Jones Scout Camp; More info and to register

(March 28) Annual merit badge university and Trail to First Class event with a focus on the outdoors, wildlife, and conservation; in partnership with Circle Ten Council and Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center (TFFC).



LLELA Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area: Outdoor Enrichment Series 2020-21

for more info contact Robert Smith 469-635-5482

(June 20&27) Kayaking, (Oct 17) Enivro Science, (Nov 7&14) Bird Study, (Nov 21) Soil & Water Conservation, (Dec 12) Reptile & Amphibian Study, (Jan 16) Insect Study, (Feb 13) Weather

Limited space! Sign up early!

Troop 508 Newsletter 2/12/2020


This Week in Troop 508



Scouting for Food – 2/15 Meet at Nicholl’s home 10AM 1702 Glen Valley Dr. Irving 75061

Wear your uniform



Scout Sunday – 2/16 Meet at Woodhaven at 10am; Reception immediately following service

Wear your uniform with your mb sash, neckerchief, etc. Bring your family!

Come out and support our chartered organization!



Order of the Arrow Elections – 2/18 Troop Meeting; All scouts should try to make this meeting as we need to have as many people there as possible in order to have a successful election.

All arrowmen, please wear your OA sash

Contact: Mr. Bolton 214-444-8503



Webelos Cooking / Recruiting Event – 2/29 Woodhaven noon to 5pm,

actual event runs from 1-4PM.  We would like to see everyone come out to help!  Earn service hours!  Contact: Mr. Murphy 817-909-2864



Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge – Beginning February 25. There will be a sign-up sheet at the next troop meeting.



Summer Camp – Camp Alexander in Colorado, July 18-26. Second payment is due on 2/25, if you have not paid the first deposit of $110 you will need to catch up. If your scout is attending, he needs to be on the list BEFORE the end of February

The troop will be leaving on Saturday July 18, staying overnight in Amarillo then continuing on to the camp on Sunday. They will again stay in Amarillo on the return trip the following weekend.

Cost of the camp is $360 + $40 transportation cost + $13 Camp Alexander tshirt + $90 optional white-water rafting excursion.  Adult cost is $295 + $40 transportation + $13 Camp Alexander tshirt + $90 optional white-water rafting excursion
Pikes Peak council requires us to make several payments in the spring, so we are setting up a payment plan. The Payment Schedule:
$110- 1/14/20*
$110- 2/25/20
$83- 4/30/20
Due 5/31/20- Cost of individual merit badges (merit badge sign-up begins 5/13/20) + optional white-water rafting excursion $90



2021 National Jamboree – Circle Ten Council has 10 Troops reserved to go to Jamboree. Scouts must be at least First Class & 12 years of age. Go here for more information.

Upcoming Events

2/15                 Scouting for Food 10am; Meet at Nicholl’s home

2/16                 Scout Sunday Woodhaven 10am; Reception immediately following service

2/18                 Troop Meeting / OA Elections

2/23                 Hiking MB 10mile hike Mt Creek Preserve Irving 2PM @ Nursery & Hunter Ferrell

2/25                 Troop Meeting / Citizenship in the Community MB

2/29                 Webelos Cooking Event Woodhaven noon – 5pm

3/27-29            Fishing Campout @ Purtis Creek State Park



Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required* Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!


Spring Break MB University: $25 lunch is provided

Two different sessions (one on March 7 and one on March 14). Each Saturday will offer the same set of merit badge classes and depending on the courses they select, scouts can take up to TWO merit badges per event! Some MBs are all day classes.

MBs being offered – Archery, First Aid, Plumbing, Home Repair, Crime Prevention & Fingerprinting, Auto Maintenance, Collections, Citizenship in the World, Radio, E Prep, Enviro Science, Fishing, Fly Fishing, Orienteering, Welding

Register here. You can attend either or both, each MBU registration is separate.



Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament $32.95 per person (4/19/20, 5/3/20, 5/17/20, 9/19/20) Animal Science; for reservations call 469-342-5555 or email



Cavanaugh Flight Museum Addison: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation.  Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, & Aviation MB workbook (found at, completion of the workbook is required for sign off by MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class w/the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving


Texas Fly Fishing and Brew Festival: 10am @ Plano Center 200 E Spring Creek Pkwy Plano 75074; No Cost; Contact Mr. Bolton to register

(March 21 or 22) Fly Fishing MB. Limited spots each day. Bring MB book, signed blue card, sack lunch or money for lunch (there is food available at the Plano Center)


Texas Fin Fur Con Wildlife & Conservation MB University:  Cost $20/Scout, $10/adult Scout leader; @ Trevor Rees-Jones Scout Camp; More info and to register

(March 28) Annual merit badge university and Trail to First Class event with a focus on the outdoors, wildlife, and conservation; in partnership with Circle Ten Council and Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center (TFFC).

Troop 508 Newsletter 2/5/2020


This Week in Troop 508



Webelos Show N Do – 2/8,9 @ Camp Wisdom Cost $10

Drop off Saturday 10AM at Camp Wisdom, pick up Sunday 10AM at Camp Wisdom

Contact: Mr. Murphy 817-909-2864



Scouting for Food – 2/15 Meet at Nicholl’s home 10AM 1702 Glen Valley Dr. Irving 75061

Be in full uniform



Scout Sunday – 2/16 @ Woodhaven 10am; Reception immediately following service

Wear your uniform with your mb sash, neckerchief, etc.



Webelos Cooking / Recruiting Event – 2/29 Woodhaven noon to 5pm,

actual event runs from 1-4PM.  We would like to see everyone come out to help!  Earn service hours!  Contact: Mr. Murphy 817-909-2864



Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge to start end of February



Summer Camp – Camp Alexander in Colorado, July 18-26. First deposit $110 due 1/14

If you are on the list to go to summer camp, you should have already paid your deposit

The troop will be leaving on Saturday July 18, staying overnight in Amarillo then continuing on to the camp on Sunday. They will again stay in Amarillo on the return trip the following weekend.

Cost of the camp is $360 + $40 transportation cost + $13 Camp Alexander tshirt + $85 optional white-water rafting excursion.  Adult cost is $295 + $40 transportation + $13 Camp Alexander tshirt + $85 optional white-water rafting excursion
Pikes Peak council requires us to make several payments in the spring, so we are setting up a payment plan. The Payment Schedule:
$110- 1/14/20
$110- 2/25/20
$83- 4/30/20
Due 5/31/20- Cost of individual merit badges (merit badge sign-up begins 5/13/20) + optional white-water rafting excursion $85



2021 National Jamboree – Circle Ten Council has 10 Troops reserved to go to Jamboree. Scouts must be at least First Class & 12 years of age. Go here for more information.





Upcoming Events

2/7-9                Webelos Show N Do Recruiting Event @ Camp Wisdom

2/11                 Troop Meeting

2/15                 Scouting for Food 10am; Meet at Nicholl’s home

2/16                 Scout Sunday Woodhaven 10am; Reception immediately following service

2/18                 Troop Meeting / OA Elections

2.25                 Troop Meeting

2/29                 Webelos Cooking Event Woodhaven noon – 5pm

3/27-29            Fishing Campout @ Purtis Creek State Park



Merit Badge Opportunities

*Registration required* Most require pre-work. Don’t forget your signed Blue Card!

Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament $32.95 per person; for reservations call 469-342-5555 or  email    (4/19/20, 5/3/20, 5/17/20, 9/19/20) Animal Science


Cavanaugh Flight Museum Addison: $6 per scout; to register call 972-380-8800

(2nd Saturday of each month) Aviation.  Limited to 12 scouts age 12+; bring sack lunch & water, MB book, Blue card, & Aviation MB workbook (found at, completion of the workbook is required for sign off by MB counselor; the material to complete the workbook will be covered in class w/the exception of item 3b(build a model FPG-9)


Adventure Scuba and Snorkeling Center in Plano: check out their regularly scheduled courses

Oceanography, Scuba Diving, First Aid, Swimming, Lifesaving


LLELA Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area: $10 per scout,

for more info contact Robert Smith 469-635-5482

(Feb 15) Weather MB.  Limited space!


Texas Fly Fishing and Brew Festival: 10am @ Plano Center 200 E Spring Creek Pkwy Plano 75074; No Cost; Contact Mr. Bolton to register

(March 21 or 22) Fly Fishing MB. Limited spots each day. Bring MB book, signed blue card, sack lunch or money for lunch (there is food available at the Plano Center)


Texas Fin Fur Con Wildlife & Conservation MB University:  Cost $20/Scout, $10/adult Scout leader; @ Trevor Rees-Jones Scout Camp; More info and to register

(March 28) Annual merit badge university and Trail to First Class event with a focus on the outdoors, wildlife, and conservation; in partnership with Circle Ten Council and Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center (TFFC).



Advancement Report

Daniel P – Tenderfoot Rank

Nicholas B – Family Life MB

Spencer D – Geocaching MB, Fire Safety MB