This Week in Troop 508
Elections are coming up. Let Mr. Murphy know if you want to run for SPL.
Winter Camp – It is that time of year to get signed up for Winter Camp at Treavor Reese Jones. The dates for this year’s camp are Monday 12/27-Friday 12/31. The cost is $100 plus the cost of merit badges. Please email Mrs. Cleveland to sign up. She will be sending out merit badge sign up information as soon as it comes out to those that have signed up.
We need at least 2 adult volunteers to attend as well for our troop to be able to camp.
Contact Mrs. Cleveland if you have any questions 214-717-8080
Shooting Campout – at TRJ on November 19-21
Popcorn sells are starting fast and furious with a huge emphasis on online selling. Contact: Mrs. Peacock
Upcoming Events
10/8-10 Lexington Trip
10/12 Troop Meeting
10/19 Troop Meeting
10/26 Troop Meeting
11/19-21 TRJ Shooting Campout
12/27-31 Winter Camp
Website: Facebook: Troop 508 Irving