Troop 508 Newsletter 7/7/2021


This Week in Troop 508




I am working on my Eagle project and need donations for materials, I am doing a bake sale at PJ’s on Saturday 7/10 at 9am, I am asking for donations from my troop of individually wrapped desserts. Please nothing that can melt. I need to know if you can donate by Wednesday. I can pick up from you on Friday or you can bring to PJ’s Saturday morning. I would also like a few volunteers to come help me ask for donations for the baked goods, starting at 9am until sold out or 12pm. Please text me at (469) 616-4916 if you can donate and need me to pick up your donations.




Logan J. Eagle Project – Will let everyone know when the next dates are scheduled; nothing scheduled at this time.



Upcoming Events

7/10                 Colby’s Fundraiser at PJ’s at 9am

7/13                 Troop Meeting

7/20                 Troop Meeting

7/25                 Troop Committee Meeting 7pm over Zoom or at Woodhaven












Website:                                                    Facebook:  Troop 508 Irving